Mouth Ache

I have a problem.

In the back of my mouth behind all my teeth, my gm is swollen to the point that its going over my back tooth a little. My whole right side of my mouth is killing me (aching like when i had braces- its doesn’t hurt… its just more annoying.) My jaw is visibly swollen on the outside of my face.

I do not have insurance and I do not have money— I need a quick fix. Anyone ever have an ache? How did you fix it?

I just took 800mg of Ibuprofen… hopefully that works temporarily.

This happens to me every now and then, and my wisdom teeth haven’t come in yet. It is annoying. Ibuprofen usually helps, or Vicadin if you know someoen who has some.

This almost sounds like an infected saliva gland. Are you wisdom teeth still ushing out/impacted at all?

Aside from self medicating, try gargling some warm salt water, it has antibiotic effects and may reduce the swelling and local tenderness. There is also a stronger version (over the counter medication) called Amosan. You can find it at any CVS/RiteAid/etc…gargle the same as salty water and it’ll help, even if it is some kind of gum infection (most likely from food particles).


it’s because you talk too much.

less :bj:

Check out the dental medical school over in Oakland as my one friend is getting major work done for about half price. Don’t wait too long if it continues.


you do not want a infection to set in


i had the same thing once and it got so bad that i couldn’t open my mouth more than a 1/4 inch it ended up being a absessed tooth all i got for it was a prescription for vicotin and some antibiotics.

Careful taking that much ibuprofen. I did it on an empty stomach one time without thinking. About a day and a half later I thought I was dying, my stomach was messed up for about a week.

I’m surprised out of this group of guys nobody has taken this to the point of perversion.

Hope you feel better soon. same thing happened to me when I was just a little lad.

this is a serious problem and one that needs addressed, this is not the time for jokes.


It has been…

This is On-Topic after all.


i went down there once b4 i found a local dentist that excepted my Insurance jenn…if u need and more info on it give me a call or PM me


Before I had stomach surgery, I was dropping about 5000mg per day. It really helped my back feel much better.


Hope your feeling better…