Movie Review: Layer Cake

I purchased this film used from my video store. They had a deal going on 3 for $25 so how could I refuse? I also picked up House for Flying Daggers and The Machinist.

Anywho, this film was directed by the producer of Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch, two films that I personally loved. I really enjoy British movies for their smart dialog and their slang. Its such an interesting way of speaking. Aside from that, they just seem to be better than a lot of the US films.

Layer Cake is a bit different. There is less humor than the aforementioned movies, and the performances are a little more…well better. While Guy Ritchie wants realism in his films with the use of real criminals. Matt (can’t think of his last name) wanted to get people who could act.

The story follows a drug dealer who is a pure businessman. He doesn’t use, he just traffics and tries to stay as annonymous as possible. Hes a middle man and keeps out of the regular shenanigans associated with drugs and dealing. He is approaching the end of his life as a dealer and has put together a nice little nest egg to retire on. However, he is asked to perform one last job for his boss which proves to be his most difficult one yet.

This isn’t the typical guy-approaching-retirement-has-to-do-one-last-job-so-he-can-get-out kind of movie.

Daniel Craig (new James Bond) stars as the drug dealer. This is the movie where you can see why he was selected. One scene in particular where he is holding one of those skinny barrel hand guns from WWII really gives you an idea of what he would look like as Bond.

The story takes several twists and turns and is a very good watch.

Even if you didn’t like LSATSB or Snatch, I would recommend this film. If you did like those movies than you should definately see this film.

Rating: 4.8 out of 5

i love snatch and LSATSB. I’ll have to check it out.


:tup: awesome movie…I was shocked at the end

shhhhhhhh me too

I did the same thing Jay, I rented the movie based on the others. Top notch in my book. Sienna Miller is fucking HOT HOT HOT, (WTF is Jude Law’s problem??)!!!

It’s one of those movies you have to watch a few times to catch everything as well…

Sounds like I’ll have to hit it up. Hadn’t even heard of it, thanks for the reco

Thats the girl Jude Law cheated on??

Well its not like Jude Law is hurting for action.

By the way for those who don’t know, “Layer Cake” describes the levels that people attain in life. There is a cool monologue at the end that explains this.

I just started watching L4YERCAKE…

How did you manage to NOT mention that he drives an RS6 AVANT?!?!?!?!?!?

Lol that was the first thing i noticed…a little OT but I saw a S8 down here yesterday

that Audi is hot

definitely a cool movie, the book is even better. I downloaded this flick about a year ago and will actually buy the DVD one of these days. Why doesn’t Hollywood make smart mature movies?? Oh yeah because most of the US public behaves like retards on message boards. :bloated:

The forum rule said no spoilers.

j/k Sorry I didn’t mention the car. It was one of my favorite parts of the movie.

I just finished watching it.
Best film I have seen in a long while.
Speaking of no “spoilers”, watch the alternative ending Xman.:wink:

WTF Rented it a the "buster didnt watch no alt ending… But was a pretty good movie

<<< big fan of Snatch & lock stock.

I’ve been meaning to watch it again. I appreciate British movies more the second, third, fourth…time around.

Layer Cake :tup:
Snatch :tup:
Lock Stock :tup: :tup:


yep, i saw this movie, its sweet :tup: