MPD47's On-Going Drifting Thread: Stories, Pics & Vids

fwiw they arent “racing”

Needs more power huh, I do recall this car having a twin turbo engine.,…


Bone stock NA sucks :frowning:

I was gonna ask if anything was done to bump the power. Impressive with the stock power.

Did you buy the Z from Dave? I’m a bit confused.

It is Dave’s car currently, I’ve been quietly investing parts, time, money into it and the remaining balance will be paid out at the end of the year making it completely my car.

Another photo from Wrecked Magazine.


You would think wrecked magazine would publish better pics then that. PT’s are far superior :wink:

They don’t do any post, it’s literally dump the card to the internet for coverage and go. Just gets the word out :slight_smile:
Almost back together, getting camber arms from bing tomorrow, new ebrake parts should be here tomorrow or Monday, alignment Monday. Now it just needs another 200hp or so…

i kinda forgot what that car looked like when it was clean :wink:

looks really fucking good clean and dirty…

Dumb question but is the front bumper off in every pic because you knock it off or take it off? Either way lookin good.

was wondering the same thing… nobody has a front bumper on

A bit of both. I didn’t have the stuff to properly secure the bumper going into the past event so I didn’t even bother running it. I knew the first time I got one of the wheels lifted or went off track that it was going to come flying off, so I figured “why bother?”. I’d say about 60% of the guys show up with bumpers and destroy them or have them fall off during the event. A LOT of that is due to the fact that they attach them without lower supports and they use zipties rather than bolts :roflpicard: (Which is actually why the bumper looks like crap on the first page or two of photos… it was attached with zipties as a quick fix).

Put zipties are so easy, I think they are kin with duct tape.
Loop, swoop and pull

Just one teaser pic for now. More high quality stuff coming over the next 24 hours or so. I have some in car video but sadly due to how I have the camera set up right now I kill a lot more tape/battery than I need to. Adding a remote velcro’d to the dash, to hopefully avoid missing the best tandem I’ve done so far, next time.

First vid from Vosko:


Some initial pics from JZ.

Full Album-

I had some real problems this time with keeping tires on the car. I’m not running an OPTIMAL alignment for drifting since the car is dual purpose grip/drift. So I do tend to run through rears a bit quicker than I should. HOWEVER 6 tires in as many laps is NOT an accurate representation of what I should be doing. So unfortunately I spent most of my day watching rather than participating. However for the final run group I found someone with a set of cheap 245/40R18 Chinese tires. Stickers even! So I figured “Why not” and ran those. Honestly? The best damn drift tire I’ve ever run. Super consistent, long life, good smoke, etc. I am DEFINITELY going after them for a tire sponsorship since they are not very well known in North America. I had the best runs of the day and finally got to grips with using my newfangled ebrake with a monster handle and Project Mu pads.

The in car video is uploading right now :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, and I still need more power.