Mr/Ms Buffalo Bodybuilding/Figure Pics

TRUTH! Diet is key, to work out enough to stay lean and eat whatever you want is WAYYY more work them just eating right. That said i still do the eat what i want and hit the gym twice a day if necessary routine because i simply cant live life without beer, wings, pizza, etc. etc.

LOL @ Protein

I hear that shit at work all the time, it’s fucking ridiculous all the weird looks i get from the fatties in the cafeteria.

Also that’s a good point about “I don’t want to get big” Women are the biggest fan of saying this. “I don’t want to have big arms and legs” bitch you are the skinniest girl ive ever seen in my life you aren’t going to turn into ronnie coleman just fucking do those squats! ( in my basement )


you get laughed at in the cafeteria because you make random protein/oatmeal shakes and pour them into cottage cheese.

HAHA that was one time. I wanted to see if i could mix protein powder with cottage cheese. It didn’t work, but I bet with a different flavor it could have been awesome! I think cottage cheese + fruit flavored protein + yogurt would be pretty good. I’ll probably try it later.


fatty from cafe

this whole thread makes me lol

my favorite is the women (the big ones) that spend 6 minutes on the treadmill, then 4 minutes on the elliptical, and 5 more minutes on the bike (all at very low speed). they then follow up their exhausting workout with a 1200 calorie choco peanut butter banana kong protein shake

great job!:bigclap:

Somewhat correct here. They ALWAYS reply with "I’ve tried EVERYTHING.