MrRage Sepc V 09 Build **NEW VIDZ** Page 20

No. all 900 spec v’s that are turbo run this systme

I am sure thats where this kit wanted it but your right thats where they usually are before the turbo.

I have been there before, you will figure it out and it will all be worth while.

Unhook the MAF and see if it idles better?

Already tried this.

and what is the outcome of it? idles the exact same or like complete ass and shut off?

It idles like shit and throws a code like it does on NA specs

Ok Guys,

I tried everything tonight. First I removed the whole intake and looked for leaks. I also reinstalled another MAF again and made sire it was facing the right direction. I uninstaller my SAFC and put my stock injectors back in. I started the car and guess what. Same problem.

So I decided to put everything back together and I reinstalled my SAFC. Now heres the funny part. I got to start the car and it doesn’t start. No worries. I start it again and it proceeds to idle fine. I was so freaking happy. James (feyd182) calls me and I almost cried I was so happy. Anyway I went back to the car and pushed the gas peddle and guess what. That doesn’t work now. I’ve double checked everything over and over and I can see the voltage change in my super AFC so I know the gas peddle is giving out a signal.

Any Ideas? This car is starting to piss me off

Did you try the pedal dance? Maybe you need to reset your TPS as well. Just a shot in the dark.

LOL, just burn the fucking thing to the ground, claim the insurance and buy a 350Z ROFL…

Just keep thinking simple, it’s gotta be an electronic glitch. There’s really nothing else that could go wrong at this stage.

this is good idea.

sounds like there is some crazy signals / signal loss somewhere between your pedal and the recieving unit for the drive by wire ??? start tracing and checking shit everywhere, like mentioned before could be a bad module … ?

  1. The problem is not with the SAFC. It has been discontented and reconnected and either time the car did the same thing.
  2. I have checked all the wires that are associated with the TPS and throttle body.
  3. I have tried 3 of my own MAF’s and one out of James car which he drives every day.
  4. I’ve replaced my Throttle body with a new one and that hasn’t worked.
  5. I have retraced all the new wire I put in and it looks fine
  6. I reconverted my intake system back to my old SRI system to see if it was the BOV or intake system
  7. I have moved my BOV and removed it with no luck
  8. I found out why my peddle didn’t work because when I disconnected the ECM terminals last night uninstalling the SAFC I bent pin 106 putting the connector back in.
  9. Took the car to Nissan this morning and when they hooked my car up to the consult II it wouldn’t talk to it at all. So what makes it that my car will not communicate with a consult?

So now the car is back to its stupid idle problem but now the peddle works
So I have done everything that has been suggested and still I have this problem

time for a standalone ecu ?

Or just try another ecu

Already looking for another ECU.

time to drive the Renault

Hah… That Megasquirt is still confusing to me. I can get the fuel trims right till about 2700rpm and then it stalls out. Plus it needs tires and major body work still.

seeing shit like this has pretty much deterred me from even attempting on keeping my car for the track and boosting it. after a bought a new car i was going to sell the spec, but if i didnt get what i wanted i was going to boost it and run at the track.

this is a fucking nightmare!

hopefully you get it going soon…

Yea dude I had the same issue before. Does it rev to about 1200-1300 then back down to normal 700-800? Cuz I had it do it to me a couple times… One was cuz of a vacumn leak (god bless propane torches to find that one!) but you said you checked for that. The other was cuz I had accidently changed the sensor type on my SAFC and it was reading the wrong signal. But I think you said you may have also checked this… Prob heard this a billion times already though eh… But eh if it’s any consolation mines not been running for 4 months lol! I can’t get mine to spark now. God bless turbos.

I have this wicked ass service manual that may be of help to you man. Bought it online awhile ago, it’s got everything you’d ever need to know about our cars. I could e-mail it to you since it’s in PDF format if you want? It’s got troubleshooting steps for everything.

Thanks for the offer Brody. That would be a big help. and yes my car revs like yours but higher in the rev range. Mines around 1500rpm to 2400rpm