MrRage Sepc V 09 Build **NEW VIDZ** Page 20

lol. I gotta run but I will explain it later

i wanna knoww!!! and see this bad boiiiii ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Dood … cliff hanger no good …XD!!

stop cruising and stop by my house i wanna see hahahahah

Have a feeling we won’t see him till he runs outta fuel, lol. He’s been at it for over a month. Awesome to hear it’s finally running right.

So here is the story,

So apparently if you have advanced timing and a raised idle you cannot perform a Idle Air Volume Relearn. Now I thought the Nissan dealer did this last time I was there but I guess they lied and charged me for it. I will never take my car back to the dealer.

So anyway my mechanic first had to return the ECU to the original settings. SO the retarded my timing back 2 degrees then lowered my idle to 750. Now remember just because it was lowered didn’t mean it idled lower. Anyway after that he started the car and started unplugging injectors until the car was at around 900rpm. I guess this is the only way an idle air volume relearn can be done. After that the car idled fine.

So after all the money I spent on all the sensors ECM’s and other stuff was all for nothing. Anyway the car idles fine @ 750 and I drove it for about a hour tonight and it’s still idling fine. Now the mechanic said he cannot guarantee that the idle problem will not return due to the “extensive” modifications to my car. Lol

Anyway Yay Me!!

Awesome, glad to hear it’s finally resolved. Have you tried going into boost yet? I bet you’ll sleep good tonite knowing it works properly now, lol.

No Boost for me. My SS4I isn’t showing RPM signal and now my AFR gauge is only reading 14.9 all the time. So I don’t know whats wrong now. Go fig I fix 1 thing and other things brake.

At least it is running better know! Congrats Ryan!

WOW…. So reading the Innovate Motorsports Forum It looks like my Wideband Unit is completely fried. This sucks. I guess it a common problem. Now I have to spend more money on this hunk of shit.

Anyone got any recommendations?
I’m looking at maybe a ZT 2 wideband

Are you F’ing seroius, oh man. At least it should only be a minor setback.:banghead:

Actually it a major setback because I have no money. And now I can’t tell if i’m going to blow my car up

does the knock feature on ur safc work? It will tell you if you are detonating.

Yep i got an innovate they suck mine worked for about 2 weeks before it crapped out. Where did you buy it you should be able to get warranty I did any way.

Awsome to hear your car is running.

The SAFC Knock doesn’t work because I reset it remember. Also I have no warranty on the LC-1. Grrrrr

so where did you go to get it fixed? and what dealer fucked you over?
good work on getting your whip fixed up!

Mills and Westend Nissan F-ed Me. I still love the guys in the parts at Mills. Anyway car feels awesome.

If you guys can’t guess I got er done last night. She is running all the way to the redline. I’m not going to be pushing it relay hard till I get a good tune but man should have seen the smile on my face after the 7th run.

Woo-hooo! Congrats Ryan! Way to stick it out man.

Thanks… Now give me money for gas. I when through half a tank in 1 hr last night

slow clap