MTD Open Lapping Day! Sunday June 15th!

I didn’t like how that silver Porsche was going to pass me on the grande curve without me signaling him by. We shouldn’t be passing on corners but the grande curve can be passed safely if the person in front goes off to one side and slows down for you to pass. That was the case here where the red tercel went to the left and waved me by and I was about to pass when I see the Porsche on my right side. I backed off and heard tires squealing (probably brakes). Mark was in the car so maybe he can comment further.

I also experienced the odd signals. Sometimes I got right turn signal with the intention of passing on the left (the way I learned it and thought it, is that you signal on the side you want them to pass).

I think the driver meeting at the start would be a good idea. Not every organizer has the same rules and for the people that are new, they need to know what they are. The groups would be a good option to separate the experienced and the novices but it doesn’t need to be for the whole day, just the first few hours for the novices to get used to the track and rules etc.


Passing should be no different then how it is in the HTA; you pass on the left.

The slow car would signal LEFT (or stick their hand out) and pull to the far right as soon as possible so the faster car can at least gain some ground on the long straight.

There also needs to be something done to force a driver in front of you to let you pass; I remember last summer I was on someones tail for quite a few laps and I wished they’d let me pass but never did; I practically tailgated that person for a while.

yeah, i noticed that no one really follows the passing rules, i thought it was none before the pit entrance?

i got on my brother’s ass a few times, he would go to let people pass, and swing down to the inside to do it, i told him, stay where you are, it lessens the risks. :rolleyes: if the car that is passing has 300whp more, he can get by with no hassles.

but the experience thing would be a great idea, although it would limit the amount of time on track over all i think. but considering the few people that act professionally on the track, i would be right behind that plan.

and conky: you totally ruined my rhythm on a fast lap by locking them up in front of me, haha no worries though, its all in good fun :smiley:

does anyone else have any times from the day so i can compare? :smiley:

passing should always be done on the left

i saw a few people moving to the left to let people pass which is a big nono

i saw your bro do it on the back straight but I knew you would talk to him about it since I saw you doing it properly so i didnt mention it to him. i didnt notice anyone else doing it.

gonad there is an easy way to solve the issue of someone in front of you not allowing you to pass

get off the track next time you get a chance and speak to mark or myself - we will have them black flagged and have a chat with them. most likely they are new and are not concentrating on who is behind them. when I first started tracking i had a hard time keeping an eye on my mirrors because i was concentrating hard on the lines, braking points, etc.

there is tons of time to drive throughout the day, just get off and let us know and jump right back on.

jim: thanks for the suggestions - I’ve sort of been anti-drivers meeting in the past but after this day i saw things starting to get really sloppy so I think it would be a good idea to either do a drivers meeting or have a quick chit chat with each driver during sign-in.

The groups might be a little bit tricky to pull off without concentrating a lot more on organization - but I will have a talk with mark about it and maybe we will give that a shot for next time. We’ve discussed doing group many times but never actually gone for it as in some cases it can cut in to the amount some people will be able to spend on the track.

conky, i heard jon bitching about it and he basically said he didnt like the sliding around and he also said he was ready to tell you that you’re not welcome at the track anymore if he saw you doing it intentionally again or something along those lines. i’m on the fence on that one - it’s a blast and I know you know what you’re doing it but can admittedly result in a mess once in a while and it also encourages other people to screw around which is where it really becomes a problem.

Fair enough. Ill admit that at SOME points I got carried away, for instance the ‘rain’ day. The only reason that little shit box was side ways all the times is because is almost stock. No coil overs, no RA-1’s. Im pusing it to the limits at all times. Mark will back me up on that one.

I have no intention to make a problem, but if I cant drive aggresively at the track, then why the hell am I coming?

My civic has 110 hp, no vtec. Everycar at the track murdered me in the straights. So when it came time to passing, they wouldnt let me by cause in the straights im super slow. THe corners are where I make up the time. If im on your bumper for 2-3 corners then move.

Just because your car is faster in the straight doesnt mean that your car is faster around the track.

BTW this comment is not directed to you thewird, im just responding :slight_smile: Nice car, very clean!!

If you’re driving to the point where you’re overpowering the efficient limit of your car, then what exactly are you accomplishing?

Just because you drive the car ‘aggressively’ around a corner (to the point where you’re losing traction and control), doesn’t mean you’ll get around the corner any faster.


Don’t get me wrong, I completely agree. I’ll never get tired of watching you drive the living shit out of that car.

For that same reason though, I can understand why the one guy there thats supposed to be responsible for making sure everyone is … for lack of a better term … responsible… would be a little bit concerned. He has no idea of your experience/skill level and I’m sure you are fully aware that there are no cars as dramatic as yours out there.

I don’t really know what to do about it - I’ve already tried to tell him that he’s got other people out there he should be more conerned about but when he see’s tire smoke and rwd cars sliding around the odd corner I guess he gets concerned.

I didn’t see anything that bothered me in the slightest on this past day - I had a lot of fun with the couple of encounters we had… especially when I was in marks car and we were about dead even because I can’t drive that thing at all :smiley:

LOL Gonad… love the pic! I’m even under the car… hahaha tell your sister I’ll call her later to “thank” her.

On the other topics… I think a drivers meeting is a great idea as were the handouts that you used to have.

If you are behind someone and they won’t let you pass… its just like the 401… you have a horn and lights USE THEM! If that doesn’t work talk to a marshall.

Anyone have any fire pics?!?! :slight_smile:

You’ve got the wrong idea buddy. Im not just doing it because im an ass or a show boat. By keeping the car on its tracton limit is infact the ultimate control in my opinion. That type of practice makes me a better driver. When im doing a time attack compition of something like that, I have more confidence in my driving knowing the cars limitations as well as my own.

Just curious, we have never met, were you at the June 15th day?

Thanks for understanding. BTW i have that whole battle on tape…Civic vs Fobwall’s S13 vs Black Silvia!! Also have a some great battle footage of the grey hatchback with the B16, the red 944 , Sentra SER and my Civic vs both Subarus…then jim shows up and just smokes us :slight_smile: I have alot of editing to do before I post it. I ran two cameras most of the day so I have likt 6 hrs of footage to go through.

Do you have John’s email from Dunnville?? I want to talk with him and cool things over. Hopefully we can come to an understanding for next time because im just there to have fun like everyone else!!

No, but I was at one of the events last year (was Marshalling) where you were there. I think you and a friend were making a video (cat-n-mouse)?

Pretty sure it was also you who when pulled up to the starting line you started going off about how you couldn’t get on the track because people won’t get off or something rather :rofl:

I’m not saying how you’re driving is wrong, just couldn’t fathom why anyone would push their car OVER the limit. :dunno:

Before this gets out of hand can I please ask that nobody jump to conclusions here. Gonad you are assuming conky is pushing his car beyond it’s limits - I don’t think that is the case until he starts going off the track on a regular basis or until he crashes it or breaks it.

If he’s driving fast and staying on the track I think it’s safe to say that he is within the limitation of the car.

If you or I drove his car we wouldn’t be going quite as crazy but I guarantee we would be slower around the track too - Jon has a lot of lapping experience so it’s probably safe to say his driving ability is above ours and he’s able to push a car harder than you or I could. So the car screams for mercy… I don’t really see the big deal personally.

//edit// I’d also like to add that conky and dustin are the only people who helped clean the track after the day was over.

Conky and his little civic are great entertainment, I say as long as he isn’t making a mess let him do his thing. He makes a solid point about pushing his car. You never know how far you can go until you go too far, then just turn it down a bit. I commend him for having the balls to push it that hard lap after lap.

Sunday was a blast, perfect everything. The day just went by far to quickly. Ride home was a little sketchy though, rain and R comps dont get along. And that was some serious rain! Anyone have any more pics?

ditto^ im just pissed that i can’t keep up with him.:frowning:

its hilarious watching you kill that thing out there, and you blow by me on the straights… the corners is the best for sure jon, but when the others have more power, they can really get away from me in the corners despite the fact my car sticks like glue


A couple more tweeks to my car and I think you and I will be a good match…last year your car was too fast…I couldnt get you off my bumper for even a second!

Haha…sry about that left turn near the end of the day when we were going counter clockwise. I underestimated the axle splitting torque of your Tercel…couldnt get enough on you in the straight to line up for the corner so I just dove in i guess :slight_smile:

Good job not slamming into me!!

haha oh yah, well those tires sure help with all that torque :cool:

and i have my masters degree in accident avoidance, believe it or not :stuck_out_tongue: