Muay Thai or Krav Maga

I dont know too much about either but for anyone looking to actually get into a ring just make sure it teaches good holds, chokes, and pratices striking. I know this might sound silly as this is what all martial arts should be but trust me look close at what exactley they will teach you. Unless its more just for fun and to just be in shape. I bout one day a week(full contact) this is THE BEST way to get up on striking and blocking IMO. Formal instruction/drills will help alot with anyhting on the ground/holds/chokes. Alot of martial arts has too much focus on throws and defensive maneuvers. I have encountered many in the ring that had absolurtley no offensive technique but were very competent once i got into them. Bt this isnt going to fly as a good fighter will just see the weakspots and dominate your Newb ass. I practice BJJ with a very unorthadox boxing striking style. Want to fight?