Mulholland Thread

Look at the vid. He gave up before he even try. It would be fine in you are at a track with miles of runoff, he is lucky it is a left turn; if it is right it could be a head on collision; and I know most fatal accident happens this way.

Most crashes are not because of the rider’s riding ability and/or the bike’s capibility but often due to what they THINK their riding ability is and/or what they THINK the bike’s capibility is. At that moment he is being put out of his comfort zone and into previously unexplored territory, he essentially puts himself into recover mode before it is required; In other words, he crash the bike before the bike crashes.

I’ve always suggested that trackdays are not just for fun, it literally WILL make you a safer street rider because at the end of even just 1 trackday you WILL, under a controlled environment, gain a far greater understanding of your rider envelope and the bike’s envelope.