Multiple domains question

Is it possible to join multiple domains and choose which one you want when you log on to XP? My wife’s laptop is part of the work domain,, so I don’t want to change that since I don’t think I have privileges to add it back in. Is there a way to add the home domain (MSHOME) so she can see the home computers?

You guys are the best… :smiley:

yea. Do you have a workgroup or domain at home?

Workgroup at home

I don’t know if it matters, but her laptop is XP Professional and home ones are XP Home.

if you have a workgroup at home, it does not matter what domain she is in at work. Come home and plug in and everything should be good.

I have my laptop in a work domain and use it at home in my “workgroup”.

I didn’t think you could join an xp workstation to 2 different domain’s though, I could be wrong.

This is all I do as well. Just browse the network and you can go to whichever workgroup you want despite what domain the computer is configured for.

It’s working now but I swear I’ve tried before and it couldn’t find it. :dunno: