Muslims plan to open a mosque at site of World Trade Centers.


The more I read the thread the more I want them to build the thing, cause who gives a fuck?

That is pretty fucking close…Those aren’t very large blocks in downtown there. You could probably hit ground zero with a rock from there. Let’s also especially consider that each will have a CLEAR view of each other.

If that route is .4 mile, then distance wise, it’s really only .25 mile away.

By the Chinese and their new aircraft carrier destroying missile. BOOM!

I wouldn’t say I was AGAINST it, but I would prefer for them not to do it. Can’t say that I want the gov’t to stop them though.

OK I will be the one to say it… TEAM AMERICA F**K YEAH!

there is A LOT of awesome happening in this thread…

I don’t know where this came from but i find it funny because i’m not black.

Also, removing all the nutjobs from Network OT has made Network OT less awesome, not more awesome.

I want to see more Ahmed goign off on Fry/Joe.

Imagine PureXTC in an all out muslim vs. white supremacist forum battlooo?

I’m with Bing on this one, even for the PureXTC comment, I laughed.

Whos dick do I have to suck to get banned around here?

Just post your password, we’ll change it to whatever.


lol, I had to bump this. You guys were talking about what to put next to the Mosque and Just Karter was dead on with his gay bar suggestion:

"Greg Gutfeld who has brilliantly illustrated the absurdity of the whole affair by trying to raise money to build a bar catering to gay Islamic men right by the proposed site of the controversial mosque.

That situation is worth savoring alone but then when you find out that Gutfeld managed to get a comment from the builders of the new Park51 mosque about his project. Their response is reproduced below:

.@greggutfeld You’re free to open whatever you like. If you won’t consider the sensibilities of Muslims, you’re not going to build dialog

The irony is thick enough to cut with a knife. Park51 developers are offended at Gutfeld’s idea and have now called on him to “consider the sensibilities of Muslims.” How would one do that exactly when making a bar targeting openly gay Islamic men?"

“As an American, I believe they have every right to build the mosque - after all, if they buy the land and they follow the law - who can stop them?” he wrote. “Which is, why, in the spirit of outreach, I’ve decided to do the same thing.”

Gutfeld insists “this is not a joke,” and is soliciting investors for the project, which he says will occupy an “available commercial space” next to the planned mosque.

“As you know, the Muslim faith doesn’t look kindly upon homosexuality, which is why I’m building this bar. It is an effort to break down barriers and reduce deadly homophobia in the Islamic world,” he wrote, adding that he’ll have an entire Islam-friendly floor that serves non-alcoholic drinks.

You can hate Fox, but calling the bar “Suspicious Packages” is fucking hilarious:

Some more of these potential bar names are amazing:

Sunni Awakening
The Velvet Sword
Dome of the Cock
Ba’ath House
Al GaydaAl Gayda

Also, Park51 is the name of the building. The website is here and lists everything going into the plan, including the mosque if anyone cares to actually read up on it:

LOL that is pretty funny.

wow what an amazing idea where can i donate to this

LOL @ “suspicious packages”

Jihard :lol:

I would call it Barbarians. In modern times it conjures up images of big buff men like Schwarzeneger playing Conan the Barbarian, which certainly fits the gay bar theme. Plus “barbarian” historically refers to

The Barbary Coast, or Barbary, was the term used by Europeans from the 16th until the 19th century to refer to the Maghreb, the middle and western coastal regions of North Africa—what is now Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya. The name is derived from the Berber people of north Africa. In the West, the name commonly evokes the Barbary pirates and slave traders based on that coast, who attacked ships and coastal settlements in the Mediterranean and North Atlantic and captured and traded slaves from Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.[1] The slaves were being traded and sold throughout the Ottoman Empire.

The first United States military action overseas, executed by the U.S. Marines and Navy, was the Battle of Derne, Tripoli, in 1805. It was an effort to destroy all of the Barbary pirates, free the American slaves in captivity, and put an end to piracy acts between these warring tribes on the part of the Barbary states. The opening line of the “Marine’s Hymn” refers to this action: “From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli…”

Barbary pirates being Muslim, as was the entire region after the Islamic conquests of the late 600’s AD. So the name “Barbarians” would hearken back to the earliest clashes between The USA and Islam.

I’m smarter than Glen Beck. :slight_smile:

suspicious packages > Barbarians

what a waste of time reading that shit…