Must see Lincoln destruction stage 1


So I turned down the street around the corner from my house just now, as a cop is stalking this beat ass car. I see 2 nice patches of rubber. Jam?:smiley: I went around the block, cop pulls up behind me as I park. Shines his light on the sticker. Me: Yeah, I’m not even going to lie, it’s not inspected. Cop: Those are studded tires. Me: Yeah. Cop: Why is this all muddy, what were you doing tonight? Me: It was yesterday, we took it offroading. Cop: If I see this on the road again, it’s getting towed. Car’s junk! Get it fixed. Me: If it wasn’t for the tires and the broken corner light, I could get this inspected, it would be completely illegal, err, I mean legal. Cop: Have a nice day.:lol:


hahah no ticket??? awesome. fucking pigs. cant stand em.