progress thread: 94gt5.0

Nice. The old 405…A few years back I was lifting like crazy and got to ~400 for one rep, and one day I was all fired up to do 405 (4 plates on each side as you know) but I worked up to that so I didn’t have just the 4 45’s on there, was 3 on each side and some other smaller plates so it turned out I added wrong and did 390 when I thought it was 405…needless to say, I was pissed as hell because when I tried the real 405 it didn’t go so well right after! Got the 405 a couple weeks after that though.

There was a guy when I used to lift at ABC back in the day who used to put 405 or so on and do like 10 reps pretty easy, he was a monster. Was pretty shitty when I’d be doing sets @ 315 and he did that, and he was like 75 lbs lighter than me I bet. In fact, I believe he was a bouncer at jillians who got electrocuted there a few years ago, but I can’t remember his name, he was pretty jacked out.

Good luck.