progress thread: 94gt5.0

Yeah, only 25lbs away from my goal, which I have a feeling is gonna take a bit lol.

yayaa good job sun

yo A, i did cardio for 32mins!!! lmao…almost died.

then just did some quick chest 135x15 225x6 225x6 185x8 flat bench
hammer chest 2 45lb plates
inclines 155x12 3 reps
4 sets of flies on the machine

then i felt like i was gonna puke so i left lmao

Lol nice man! You need to slap another 45lb plate on that hammer machine!! :tongue

did shoulders for the first time since i fucked it up, did good with little little pain! shioulderpress 135x15 135x15 225x10 225x8 275x8 315x4 then side dumbell laterals, 40’sx12 50’sx12 55’sx12 60’sx12, im excited to be back with shoulders lol

I benched 185 on Tuesday. Not much but Ive only benched twice so far. Ive got some work to do.

Ive noticed that Im toning up a slight bit more than I was before lately.

Also my legs are definately getting stronger and Ive been adding weight on some of the leg machines the past few weeks.

good night at the gym with emuscles and gtslow

Put up a clean:
135x15 225x8 275x1 225x6 flat bench
185x8 185x8 185x6 incline bench
60lb db flies 3 sets of 10
cable crosses 3 sets of 12
tricep pushdowns 3 sets of 12-15
close grip bench 2 sets of 10

then walked to mohon from adams, ran/walked about a mile at the track. and walked back.

Christ almighty, don’t get old like me, when I was in my twenties and playing ball I put up 440 and squatted over 500, now I cannot even bench 200 lbs! Forget squatting now too, I can barely sit down on the toilet without help from my arms, lol. Getting old sucks balls.

Haha yeah I feel like that now with the knee injury, squats are a no-go for me anymore! What you been up to man??

405 x 3 flat

405 for 5 next week. im hopeing.


Nice. The old 405…A few years back I was lifting like crazy and got to ~400 for one rep, and one day I was all fired up to do 405 (4 plates on each side as you know) but I worked up to that so I didn’t have just the 4 45’s on there, was 3 on each side and some other smaller plates so it turned out I added wrong and did 390 when I thought it was 405…needless to say, I was pissed as hell because when I tried the real 405 it didn’t go so well right after! Got the 405 a couple weeks after that though.

There was a guy when I used to lift at ABC back in the day who used to put 405 or so on and do like 10 reps pretty easy, he was a monster. Was pretty shitty when I’d be doing sets @ 315 and he did that, and he was like 75 lbs lighter than me I bet. In fact, I believe he was a bouncer at jillians who got electrocuted there a few years ago, but I can’t remember his name, he was pretty jacked out.

Good luck.

Not lifting heavy, that’s for sure! Just waitin for the nice weather to get the car out and about. Bought a C-4 thats going in as soon as I grenade this T-5 :banana

Haha nice man, what C4 did you end up goin with? Im doing the same real soon, Im getting tired of puking the AOD-E’s!

Bought one locally used, got a converter and all the other goodies too but am in no hurry to install.

Big weight, congrats!

Youre an animal. That was some serious weight you were lifting.

Was it for sale on AUG?

good job keep it up, if you cant go for 5 next week go for 3 sets of 3 keeping 405 for a sets or if you get 405 for 3 on 2 sets no prob attempt to go up, dont go for 5 n get 3 and fail at a 4th forced rep when u can rest a little bit after the triple and go for another triple, or even 2 reps and 1 forced on your last set

you lost me after the bold ^ :lol jk

lol its simple, if ya dont thro the 3rd rep up like the 1st, your not guna get 5 on ur own so dont go for it, possibly do a forced rep/negative or stop at 3reps and do another set of 3 at the same weight, its easy son