Mustang Clutch Cable

Anyone have one laying around? Need one for my 03 GT

I am pretty sure I have access to one but want to make sure or I will just have a bunch laying around.

Yours break? This is actually extremely common in these cars.

Yup…while out and about tonight.

We had a extra but we changed it out last week to prevent this from happening.


Hoping to get it fixed tomorrow with the weather being nice

What one did you go with?

To be honest, it came with the car, I can’t remember the name of it. Hope you get it squared away, really blows being down on a car you just bought

Yeah…I have the firewall adjuster and cable quadrant. I am reading OEM is the best. I will have to see whats laying around.

I have a UPR set up, broke one a few years ago. Got my new cable from UPR. Led me to playing with the adjustment though and finding a much better setting for my clutch. One of those things you don’t get around to until you have to.

they are only 84 bucks from ford as opposed to 64+ shipping from maximum motorsports. ill check with chuck basil after Justin gets his ass out of bed at 11 haha

:tup: Just text me and let me know where I can go pick it up if he has one. I will be all over town today.

just talked to chuck. ill know around 10-11

I might have an extra, I think I replaced mine and it didn’t really need replacing. Let me know if you still need it

he still needs it lol

I think i am going to stockpile these things haha

Just an adjustable cable through UPR is $35.

I got a stock one and put it on. Works great. Ordering a few more tonight to have as spares.

Big ups to the Naab for his quick work.

Best set up it stock cable with aftermarket quadrant and firewall adjusters. Aftermarket cables are garbage and don’t last

I know I’m late to the party here, but stock cable with firewall adjuster and alum quadrant here. I went through 3 aftermarket units before this set up and it has worked flawlessly for several years now.

Yeah…that is my new set up…Stock cable, Firewall adjuster and aluminum quadrant. Also ordered backup OEM units just in case.

clutch pedal is so amazing now. that thing friggin sucked before