Mustang owners Pros N cons Im thinking about buying one

problems to look for when I go look at it?
I’m a chevy guy, but a rwd 4 cyl car seems like a decent daily to offset the hotrods 7mpg.

Only fags drive 4 cylinder mustangs, especially turbo ones. (Several of the more alcoholic board members have them.)

hahaha no turbo, and I’m deffinatly not a fag.
I was just thinking rwd 4 cyl mustang > fwd mid 90s gm 4 door haha.

haha tho, that made my day.

do yourself a favor … find a BONE STOCK 5.0,5 SPEED fox … and enjoy the same mpg …

but it must remain STOCK … no exhaust,cold air,nothing

I should have said sub 1000$

Posting a thread about purchasing a 4 cyl. mustang = Auto-Fag. You might as well post up that you are looking to buy a VW New Beetle.

That said you would definitely be looking towards an older car, and the mileage isn’t quite as good as you think it would be. Decent but nothing great.

Con: You’re poor.

Nope I’ve got money,most of it goes into my hotrod.
I’m a tightwad tho, I’d rather drive a shitbox for sub 1000$ than drive a 20g car that will never pay for itself.

Con = You meet a lot of guys. :hay:

Buy a Camaro. You will meet chicks :tup:

if ur an ASSHOLE then buy one!

Con: its a fucking ford

buy a honda : /

Had a camaro, wasnt really into it
(didnt need another hotrod)

The only hondas worth it are Eg’s and theyre way over 1000.
I had crx’s, fun fuel efficent, but in the end, Its still a tuna can

Belligerent asshole for sure, see any post by me hahahahaha


Sorry Tom. I meant to exclude 73 and older from my stereotyping. :slight_smile:

Maybe he should buy a yellow BMW :hay:

What the gay?

2.3 mustangs are the slowest POS’s known to man. And the mpg isn’t that great.

MMFF did a tech article years ago with a stock 2.3 Mustang… with a 200 shot the car ran 17s inthe 1/4. Seriously.

Ford= Fixed or repaired daily.

ford=found on road dead hehe and i work at a ford dealership

ha yeah i know that one too.
i really do not like mustangs at all there are way to many of them

man you guys are a match made in heaven, go get a room and have a circle jerk with your “maro” gayness.