I smell skanks.
You gotta be open minded about imports.They can be made to make some hugh power with the right combination.Just so happens that some import company’s are giving their cars a better platform to work with now a days.
Take a GTO or a Hemi magnum/300C when they were new.30k-35k.Thats alot of money for only 350bhp.Then look at a STI which is also 30k-35k new and 300bhp, but it ran faster down the 1320.Why?Becuase that 300bhp is put to the ground better than the other cars.
I too am a domestic freak but I give credit were credit is due.And some of these imports today are insane.
What about all the shitty mustangs that catch on fire on pinks :roflpicard: . One episode they had to have a segregate car because the mustang broke down, replaced by another mustang, that broke down :tup:
Displacement is nice, but it doesn’t matter when you can’t put the power down on the street. We have quite a few imports around here that bust on the displacement guys pretty nicely. It all depends on the build and the money into the car, not what you start with.
what if it’s applied to an import 8 cyl…?
Or would that be teh suck just because it’s still “just an import”?
There is no replacement to displacement, except for power-to-weight ratio. Oh, and forced induction.
I don’t care if it’s import or domestic, 4-6-8-10-437298471023 cyl, if it’s built properly, it can/will make some serious power.
You sir, are an ignorant fanboy that has obviously had his “big fat sexy” mustang put to shame by a crappy import 4 banger. It’s ok though, we’ll blame it on barometric pressure, or traffic, or that you saw a mad hot chick (guy?) in an f-bod and it distracted you.
but no matter, you probably did a SIQQqqburnout:burnout:
Honestly these threads are fucking annoying. This board has way to much magazine racing and excuses. I miss the old days that had good quality racing
but they all still had 10 pages of drama
wow, all i did was post up a kill… didnt think it would turn into this, hell i offered to go again because he thought differently but theres been nothing from him… theres alot of drama on this board.
i drive an import
me too
if you think about it everything is an import… nothing is really made here anymore, assembled maybe but not made.
crazy thread, hating without racing or backing it up isn’t worth it. There will always be a car faster out there. Import or not
dont let the hate die
This statement scares the shit outta me because if those crazy Japs decided to get serious about making V8 performance cars I think the US auto market would be in some serious trouble. Good thing they haven’t figured that out… yet.
As an auto enthusiast I like all cars but running a 4cyl isn’t my cup of tea. I just like the feel of stepping on the gas and going- not having to drop 2 gears and work the hell out of the engine to get it there. Just my prefference. Guess I didn’t see the ass-raping coming on like you guys have given me in this thread. Just annoying when the high school/ college kids think that these blown imports are the fastest thing on the street.
And no, I have never come remotely close to losing to a four banger- ever! Of course it’s possible but hasn’t happened yet…
Orly? i know a few
oh jim, what would we do without you?
<----- “Yeahhhhhhh”
imports are gay
OMG TRUE!!! But I drive one so i don’t look poor.
hi, i am reality - your check is in the mail
so obvious you owned a purple fbody… :gay: