Muwahahahah! Holy shit!

I devour my food too fast to spend time taking pics of it :lol

i personally like italian paninis withe italian dressing they are quite amazing

I’m a sucker for a good Reuben.

All of you pro gun guys are worse than gays and lesbians…

Get a fucking job with all of your extra time instead of worrying about a punk on a forum that isn’t obeying a letter he received…

I’m pro gun, I love guns actually. Has any of these bullshit laws affected my life enough to actually give a fuck, absolutely not.

Moral of the story is they don’t want the fucking sign up for one. And two , the sign is so close to the road that it may not even be his property.

Sad that a bunch of people donated money to this guy for a camera… I could think of a few parts of New York that aren’t rebuilt yet from Irene that could of used the money.

Apparently the OP was correct because the case has new evidence (not revealed) and enough to take it to a federal civil rights lawsuit level. So much for all the law pros in here saying he had no ground to stand on… apparently he must have quite a bit…

“unconstitutional” and “illegal” SAFEA act has been to courts too to no avail so far.

Anything can be taken to court, that’s the easy part.

Winning is the hard part.

If he wins I’ll eat my words, until then he’s just a stubborn idiot.

edit: even if he wins I’m still sure it’s just cops trying to end the complaint about a sign not a hidden anti 2a agenda. he should test it by putting an entirely different sign up and see if it states…

I thought that the lawsuit that failed was just about the message of necessity. The other lawsuits are still on going and there is a trial date in January for one of them.

And how optimistic are you?

On top of all this… whats the best case scenario here? A guy’s sign is properly placed and the cops removed it thinking it was illegal and destroyed it… the guy is out $20 per sign.

Like none of us have ever been pulled over before for speeding more so than we actually were or given an infraction such as tint even though it was legal, which resulted in going to court and likely paying a surcharge even though you weren’t actually at fault.

So the worst case scenario in this “scandal” is the same shit that happens daily anyway where cops make a wrong call and it ends up costing you money. I can think of a number of examples even the one with Asa (member) and I when we got our bikes impounded in Corinth even though we were legal. Court fees, lawyer fees, impound fee ($200) a bike, a day spend picking up the bikes an hour up North, etc all which was based on nothing.

Neither me or Asa went on the internet to bitch and moan to the entire US population to anybody that would listen on the fact that we were unfairly treated…

In reality the guy here is still most likely in the wrong to begin with. But even if not, the people who make a big stint out of this need to get a life.

getting to court is the hard part. filing a claim is the easy part.

its an obscenely low (and i’m not 100% on the number in my head so i’m not gonna give an actual percentage) percentage of cases that make it to trial, most get dismissed or settled way before hand.

and i could see if he actually have a claim in federal court but yea i don’t feel like doing legal research when i’m not doing school work lol

fox new today

If nothing else the internet works wonders in making me laugh. I knew this would eventually hit the news, good orbad:rofl

Principle - a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.

Might want to learn that word, and maybe pick a few principles of your own that you will have the balls to stand up for.

Wow coming out of the blue to talk about my balls :skid

Blue balls!

Amen brother


I find it funny how the town supervisor said the cop was just trying to get the sign loose when he clearly Edward Norton American history X kicked that shit
