My 4L65E Transmission Saga

Some of you know this story already lol :frowning:

Back in Feb I bought a Built 4L65E, Vigilante 3600 and a pretty beefy cooler from a friend out in NJ, he had used it for about 9 months then decided to demod and sell the car.

It worked great for 2 weeks on the street, took it up to PRP on opening weekend and when I launched it grabbed for a second then instantly hit revlimiter.

You can see me nosedive in this video after launch:

2nd Run I don’t really remember what happened
3rd Run it launched great (1.73 60’) but as soon as it commanded shift, it would free rev right against rev limiter, this video still makes me cringe

So the next weekend we dropped the pan to check out the magnet/filter.

First sign something was not right:

Check out the magnet:

We changed the fluid and filter and buttoned it back up, we knew it was hurt and I hoped to get a few more weeks out of it to get some money together to get it fixed. That was until 2nd gear checked out that night.

Transmission went back to the original builder in Texas (NOT under warranty due to being 2nd owner) and the Converter went back to PI to get cut/cleaned and restalled to 3200.

I got a MMS Message from the builder this morning with this picture and the text “Found your problem”:

Forward clutch piston has a nice big crack in it and the forward clutches are nice and blue with no friction material left. He is going to upgrade the piston to the steel piston and replace the clutch pack. Should be back on the road in 2 weeks.

I need a few of these

do you have a lift at your garage at home?

if so… Luuuuuuuccckkkkyyyy!

glad they found something broken. are they gonna take care of you?

I fuckin wish, that is my buddies parents house in Wheeling.

Well it is getting fixed… for what cost, we will see

that sucks booger

Sucks to see.

T56’s don’t break that easy. :stick:

yeah but when they do what costs more to fix?

One of the local goats broke his T56 lol, the rebuild was easier to do in a garage but the parts were $$$$

Definately an auto. I broke my T56 on the Power Tour 2 years ago. The 4th gear syncro key had been damaged. They were $6. I decided to swap the 3/4 aluminum shift fork for a steel one, replaced the 4th gear syncro, and some other misc parts. I spent $200 for parts & an evening repairing it.

The parts are way cheaper & the only special tool you need are a press. This tranny took 10 years of abuse behind my big block before breaking.

thats what you get for buying a pussy ass automatic.

In order for this to be a saga, someone would actually have to give a fuck.