My After-Work Activities >>> I'M A FIREMAN - lol

I’ve totally delivered parts to that place!


when i was holding it alone the pressure was not high enough to worry. plus im extremely strong

You and everyone else on the internet.

His dick tastes like shit???

idk why this made me lol so much, but it did

lol me too

lol. we just emptied a 10,000 gallon tanker… holy shit that was fun :slight_smile:

did your hose get all wet? fggt

yes it did

All the gay references that could have been made have been already.

And for that reason, I am saddened.



I see that you’re pretty good at handling rock hard hoses!


I dont think there is anything more gay than that picture…holy moses tapdancing on a ferry boat.

I dont’ care about the hose, i want to see the firetruck with the lights on. weeeeeeee

i get to play with the siren too…honk honk woooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooo HOOONNNKKK HOOONNNNNKKKKKK BROP BROP

I was hoping you weren’t some shitty volunteer fire fighter…thank god.

and :tup: to you sir.