My apologies about lack of content/ideas.

I’ll have some time free tomorrow, and I’ll dedicate quite a bit of it to put us back on track, update some threads, throw new idea’s I’ve been throwing around in my head for a while and start a small fire underneath Cossey’s butt.


what is your head doing underneath cosseys butt? thats the only thing im worried about

I need that CS4 master program. My comp won’t upload my vids cuz it doesn’t recognize the file extensions.


We can figure out the video editing one of these days, and I can help you get the CS4.

We actually should go out next Sunday, hopefully with the Porsche, collect a ton of raw footage for edit, learn editing and make a practice video for it.

:rofl i got dvds of everything of everything from CS2 to CS4, not to mention dvd’s of VIDEO tutorials for each and every one of the programs… tho i only watched a few cuz im lazy the ones for video editing would come in handy. these tutorials are from and if you watch them pay attention, from start to finish… and are not nearly an expert without practice then you just give up on pc’s

when i get back i should get you straightened out with your pc shit , both of you…

I’m also getting into editing video as i plan to sell a bunch of motion graphic effects in online market places and such… as a result im upgrade alot of my pc when i get back, video card,mother board, ram, and possibly more depending on how much money i have to spend etc

OH shit vlad also, i used to do 3d modeling and animation way back in my game modding days before shift, I want to get back into it now for website purposes , I think making a nuts 10 second or 5 second intro to put in front of all shift video clips , that is 3d touched up with some adobe after effects would be a GREAT professional way to tag all your videos with an intro and really leave good impressions on people

I’ve GOT cs4 on my portable hard drive now cossey, and I’m not doing anything until work at 11pm

you work night shifts? :wtf i never know that :stuck_out_tongue:

Cossey let me know when you get the Porsche back, we’ll practice getting good footage.

I can see it now… some REAL sick perspectives and angles on cars like the porsche or w/e combined with some SICK affter effects and 3d animation

could be a sick shift518 promo video !! oh yea and SOUND, gotta capture that engine /exhaust sound somehow without wind noise

suction cup mounts FTMFW

erm… it’s back?

Remote mics are used easily for that. After watching Top Gear editing carefully, I’ve came to the conclusion that they put one of the mics inside the engine bay, and the other onto the person and mix them as they wish.

Works out well, no wind noise to worry about.

yea multiple mics are gonna be a good idea, put one in engine bay, another near exhuast, and one on the driver AND one outside and mix it SLIGHTLY would be an interesting result IMO

Cossey’s camera supports remote mics, which is good.

Now we just need to fab up a balance camera holder.

That’s why I want to get this going as well.

We also need some vehicle out of the back of which we can shoot clear and actually be “legal” in the back. IE not a truck.

Some sort of SUV where the back window flips open.

gmc envoy does that , the back roof thing

edit the roof opens up so u can stand up :slight_smile:

Almost every Suv has their tail hatch open either half way or all the way. Half way would be more then enough.

Convertible is another option with some big mount sticking out and the person standing backwards.

Not too safe however.

yea man i meant the onei was talking about, the actual roof would slide back like a sunroof almost, googleimage it

Oh I know, but good luck finding somebody here with one.

It’s much easier to just find a regular SUV or convertible.

oh yea def man i hear ya :slight_smile: convertible sounds like a great option… can do side shots as well