My Brother is a Huge Pain in my Ass: Chapter 79856754876589

For those of you who dont know, my younger brother drives a 98 Audi A4 2.8 Quattro with many issues, none of which he has taken care of in a timely fashon. The car has been making a grinding noise in first gear for a while now, and humming at over 30. along with a bad wheelbearing, no power steering because of a leak in the rack, ect…

So on with the story.

He comes over tonight, like he does almost every night after work. we’re both hungry, so we decide to go to wegmans. He gets cheesecake, milk and yogurt because for some reason my little brother suddenly turned into a middle-aged pregnant woman. I got beer and pizza because im a real man. Pizza which is probably burning in the oven as we speak. brb.

Anywho, we go to leave wegmans and while driving by the clarion hotel he notices a large empty parking lot with a good amount of snow. quattroing fun seems to be in our future. He pulls in, and we blow some doughnuts, nothing to crazy. while pulling out the car starts bucking, and makes a horrable grinding sound when letting out the clutch. now it smells like burning gear oil. great…

So here we are, in the middle of mckinley, standing outside of a broken audi. just my idea of fun for a sunday night. he keeps getting in the car and trying to drive it, i tell him to stop, he is only making things worse. i take out the cell and call AAA. they’re on their way. good. please before the cops come i say to myself, as the car isnt inspected and cops are bad news for the most part. sure enough, just as i say that i see red lights flashing from down the street.


Frank looks over at me. “My license is suspended.”

fucking awesomeeeeeeeeeee

the cop comes over, asks what happened, asks whos car it is. we explain things to him, he asks who was driving. i say i was driving. he looks around the car, “did you know you were driving a car with no inspection?” I look at frank. “no, officer, i had no idea.”

He goes back to his car, AAA shows up, and has a hell of a time trying to get the car on the flatbed. The wheels are moving like it is still in gear, but it definitly is in neutral.

Long story not so long, the cop drives me home, the AAA guy drives my brother and his broken audi home, and i have court on the 5th for no inspection on a car i neither own nor have ever driven.


what a good brother… that sucks… atleast the ticket wont be too much money for your brother to pay… :frowning: and no points so it could be worse

Did you give him a solid beatdown and tell him hes paying any and all charges.

no i didn’t have to ask. he said he’ll pay it, but he has said a lot of things before, and not followed through…

pwn his n00b ass

ehhh he is only 1 year younger than me, there was a time i could beat him up and last time we had a fight i did win, but to be honset with you i dont think i could take him anymore.

besides im a lover not a fighter


i hope you stole his fucking yogurt atleast.

should just be a small fine for the inspection ticket i think.

good man though :tup:

90 bucks for inspection if you plead guilty

the ants lil frank the ants!!


haha thats shitty

Then fuck him in the ass! :gotme:

Judging by the condition on the Audi I’ll take “What is not gonna happen?” for 1000 Mr. Trebeck.

you should make him eat the cheesecake with his ass

you shoulda just let the ants get him. now he is reaking havoc on the world.:frowning:

sorry jam, that’s pretty shitty. :tdown:

Pwn3d by Frank AGAIN… hahahha…

ehh frank getting pwn3d by ants > this

Thats shitty dude, that sounds exactly like my brother except he would have said “dude my AAA card is expired, can I use yours?”

ticket should be dropped. theres a small box that is checked if the car belongs to the person with the ticket.