My car seems invincible...(Spec V Cam install)

OK, I just installed a set of Nismo Camshafts into my car. Myself.

Well, ok, it was with my Dad, but we did it in my garage with hand tools - and it runs perfectly fine. No codes, no weirdness, just good ol’ Nissan motoring.

My car will last forever if even I can’t screw it up. :E

To other Spec owners, I can help you with your install now if you don’t want to pay a shop to do it for you - but be warned that my install took 12 hours. If I did it again it would probably take 8 - I was being really really really careful.

How does it feel with the new cams?

did you get any pictures of the install?

No, I didn’t. If I do it again with someone else’s car, I would definately do a photographic record of it.

I can’t really tell how the new cams perform, there is a 100 mile break in period. I’ll let you know in a couple days. :smiley: The idle is much more lumpy though - well, as lumpy as a 4 cylinder is likely to be anyway. :smiley:

You wanna buy me a set of cams?

If not, I’m going to save the cash for my next car. :smiley:

No, but if you like I’ll come swap out your stock cams for uh…my stock cams? :E

Well, my car seems impervious to my meddling.

I can now help b15/Spec V owners install a coilover set, front sway bar, rear sway bar, and lower tie bar. Hell, I’ll even bring the air tools. :E

got a turbo yet or what ?

Yeah…I got your turbo right here buddy… :smiley:

Nah, the turbo stuff comes next year methinks. I’ve spent way too much cash on this car already this year… :slight_smile:

sounds good , and does your yellow spec V has some dark coloured wheels on them ? and did i just saw you on 97th street right around northgate 10 minutes ago ?? (6:00pmish??)

No, I have seen that guy around town but have never been in the proper vehicle to give chase and flyer him. :smiley: My car still has the stock wheels, something I’m hoping to remedy before next spring.

OK guys with Spec V’s, I can now help you loctite your butterfly valve screws so your engine doesn’t eat them. Did mine today and it took about 90 mins. Fortunately, not one of my screws was loose (at least in my engine :E), so I guess I was a little concerned over nothing. :slight_smile:

The guy in the yellow 03 spec is Keith he works at Mills Nissan as a tech there. And do you remember ever getting a heat shield recall on your spec Kris? Cause I think they locktited the screws on the butterfly valves on that recall, I remember reading something about it on Vboard, and yeah, if any one pretty much needs any help doing anything to their Spec’s Kris and I can pretty much help you out with anything. I would love to sit in on the Cam install so I know how to do EVERY N/A mod, so yeah Kris you’ve got the upper hand on me in that department. Time to do the SAFC II tune and get that idle nice and smooth again…wait I hear something…oh it’s RCTS calling you buddy.

Ha ha ha…nice. Now all I need is the time to work on it. :smiley:

The cams are not a very difficult install if you take your time and are meticulous. If you forget something, you’ll be in big big trouble.

As for the recall, I stopped in at West End Nissan yesterday to ask what they could do with the consult II, and they told me that Nissan had finally issued a recall for that stuff. I’ll be taking mine into Ericksen to have the recalls done, but I haven’t a fucking clue how they are going to do my butterfly valves because I’ve locktited them down myself now. :E

And yeah, they told me about the heatshield thing too, but since I’ve obviously removed my header, it shouldn’t really be a problem. :smiley: