My carbon-fiber dual projector headlight conversion project

Took my DOT headlights and canabalized them with a new set of euro spec (e-code) headlights.
Cut out a projector from old ones and molded it in to new, so instead of one projector and one big-ass halogen, I now have two projectors. I overlayed with carbon fiber, and this week I’m installing Audi LED’s. The LED’s are hooked through a resistor and SPDT relay, so when the headlights come on, the LED’s will dim.



Note that not all of the overlay is done yet as I still have to mold the LED strip in. Not all CF that is done is completed, either. This was just a test-fit. Some parts aren’t final sanded, and some aren’t clear coated.

When messing with LED ideas, I was trying to pattern after the new S5/A5 pattern:

On my initial mock-up, I used a cheap LED flexible strip so I could adjust angles easily until I found what I liked. I came up with this:

The above pic was done before final design of the dual projectors was completed. I’ve since added more separation to the projector lenses and filled in holes created befor overlaying with CF.

My p-chop mock up of what I intend to do will look like this:

I’m using single LED’s on the final version.

Stop. Collaborate and listen.

^^Lol. Don’t worry; you’ll only see my tail lights.

I got talked out of the above “curved” S5 design and will be matching this TT-S design instead:


oh really? :rofl:

I’ll bet that the vette will put a spanking to you, even without rope lights stuffed in my headlights.

I know I know. But it was all I had to comeback with. I concede.
Luckily I can say that to many of the cars around here, though.
My headlights come out at the track anyhow. Need the airflow.

Do you take the pile of 10 year old boys out of the trunk when you’re running as well?

I think the stright LEDs will lookbetter than the curve. And teh CF dual projectors look awesome.

Nah. Just a few. The rest are ballast.

You’re one crafty MF’er. Looks great.

good work.

On to the rice. Did test fire of 13 single LED’s with relay/resistor:

Clicky for video

Looks good!

how are you seperating the lense from the housing? Oven? And where did you get the carbon overlay?

The VW/Audi crowd calls it a “Joey Mod”. When I did VW’s, I used the oven a lot. Once married, that is now a no-no. Like living with mom again.
Anyhow, I’d rather use a heat gun. There is a fine line where the black housing melts, and also a fine line easily crossed where the heat turns the clear portion brown.
I’ve done enough that I can now separate without any indication that anything happened. Used to be we’d use the heat gun to bend some of the black lip back in to shape because you always had to bend it to get the halves separated. But now, I’ve learned how to keep any imperfection to areas that can’t be seen.

For the CF and resin, eBay all the way. You can find good deals here and there on scrap.

i like the str8 line of LED’s better as well…:cool:

hmm, i could use ur help when the time comes to clear out my sonoma headlights…i’m scared to heat mine up to open them :rofl:

lookin nice lee!

Here are more pics video I finally found and uploaded. Still not done as only one side was in, but that side WAS completed when shot.

W/ Lens cover off:

On car w/ lens housing.

W/ low and high on and LED’s dimmed:

Different angles:

Here are links to video- One with LED to lowbeam (LED’s dim), to high beam, and back, the other showing turn signal and LED:

Video one

Video two

Click link for full slideshow:

Slideshow with more pics

can i have that car yet?
