my clutch doesnt feel right.......

technically, i dont know really too much at all about clutches. im driving my 1st manual car that ive had for a year now. i dont have a clue as to why this could be doing this. but on occasion, like recently, when i press on the clutch or release the clutch, it squeaks as if it could use some grease of wd-40 or something. the clutch doesnt feel quite as smooth as it should. just feels as if it’s rubbing against something possibly. i took a peak, but didn’t really see anything odd, but like i said, i dont know what to look for. it still grabs fine when changing gears and everything. what should i do/look for? if it’s needed to know, i drive a 99 mk3 jetta 2.slow. thanx for the help

does it let out at random points occasionally? and kind of have a squeak sometimes? if so, its probably your throw-out bearing.

As you let the clutch pedal up slowly, do it feel like the pedal is binding? Like it comes up almost like it’s clicking like a ratchet?

If so, could be a master or slave cylinder binding.

Clutch fluid full?

nah, it doesn’t let out ever. just has the squeaking/grinding a little. i think im gonna take it to someone and have em take a peak at it

You have a cable clutch. Sounds like there is gunk on the clutch cable linkage and cable. Take a look.

ill see if i can figure that out. thanks!

my car definitely wont move from a stop smooth at all.

There is a possibility that the clutch is worn and the splines on the input shaft are caked with disc material. This would cause a poor disengagment which would prevent proper shifting. The fix for that would be a new clutch.

im really hoping i dont need to replace my clutch. im spending too much on this car.

If its a clutch do it yourself its super easy. Get a clutch kit from and you will be all set. You will wana get the clutch instalation kit that comes with new bolts/seals/anything else you will need.

i dont know how to do it and id never be able to figure it out alone

my clutch seems to squeak when sitting in neutral and just slowly pushing the pedal in and releasing, and i keep doing this, and it keeps squeaking, as if something needs to be greased up or sumthing…

two of my friends have vr6 jettas and they both make the same noise when pushing in the clutch and they are fine. i think it needs what everyone said…grease.

:lol: wtf? Why whenever someone has a clutch problem, there’s always someone screaming that it’s the throwout bearing. ahhhh fuck it, nevermind.