My cousin was mugged last night


now is the time to buy guns too, before they get even more strict.

Whats really fucked up, is even if you beat the shit out of, stab, slice, shoot or kill the person jumping you, your life will still be in a world of shit. How are you going to prove something when nobody else is around, and even if people are, they better be ligit witnesses. People should be allowed to cary, and have a sticker on their car, or wear something on their persons that states I have a gun, dont fuck with me. That alone will make a scumbag thing twice… maybe.

That’s why you don’t get a concealed carry permit. You just strap a huge chrome/ivory revolver to your belt for everyone to see. Or tote a shotgun :lol

Because than you make your self a huge target for anyone that is carrying concealed with the intentions of doing harm to you instead of the other way around.

LISTEN TO HIM!!! I’ve been waiting for my CCW for over 3 months now and also was delayed randomly for 5 days when purchasing my AR15 Lower Receiver yesterday.

I don’t know if you guy’s are on any gun forums but every one I go on, states like NY and Cali are laughed at by people from the “free” states like Texas, Vermont, Arizona, etc. They can buy whatever, whenever and even have great little laws called “Castle Doctrines.” (Google that if you don’t know what it means)

NY’s backward gun laws do nothing but make it hard for law abiding citizens to protect themselves from criminals.

Ask yourself this. If you were a criminal, would you commit a crime with a gun that you purchased legally and that was registered to you?

Join the NRA and Join


Shit like this pisses me off so bad, i hope they all get caught and raped in jail

what chris said

i was thinking of getting a permit, and i’m about to move on it within the next month because of all the nonsense.

our states law is making it tough to defend ourselves (law abiding citizens) from any real threat who carries an illegal weapon. this shit is no joke.

why are the politics in this state/ country so fucking deaf dumb and blind?

obama is slowly stripping shit away from us, and all he can say is “change.” :Idiots :shifty :banghead :wtf

lol sickkkkk ass gif dude!!!

will smith would probably be more suitable in office than obama. shit, arnold is a part time actor/ part time governor. lol

Will Smith>Obama!!

Depending on the county you live in getting a permit can be a very long and hard process. My county is one of the easiest in the state and it’s still a royal pain. If you are serious about obtaining one I would get started ASAP.

NY policies toward gun laws seem to carry a backward way of thinking. Instead of educating people about the proper use of firearms they instead use fear tactics to scare them away. This does nothing except spread ignorance. Take Vermont for example…

“Please be aware that Vermont does not at this time require or issue gun permits. Some Vermont towns and cities do have local ordinances, so if you are planning on visiting, it would be wise to contact the local police chief to find information pertaining to local information.”

That was taken from the VT State police web site.

Now do we see or hear wild stories on the news every night about the “hooligans” in VT shooting each other and having total disregard human life?

There are many states like this and their crime level is usually lower than that of NY. These people can carry anytime the wish and from my own experience seem to be more respectful of one another. If law abiding citizens have the right to carry then criminals would think twice before mugging random people on the street.

Just my 2 cents…

well Vermont doesnt really have ‘ghetto people’, right? People arent doing drive-by’s on John Deeres.