My dad's pet, from my trip to florida

She’s about 8 years old now. The last one he had only lived a few years, and managed to bite my lip giving me a scar. This one is much cooler. Say hi to Stewie!

looks cuddly

i had a 3 foot one for a year or 2. They are cool to look at but make really shitty pets.

She’s a great pet for my dad. No cage or anything, they have a big enough house. She gets her own bredroom, then every morning my dad brings her out to the pool, she eats, poops, then walks back inside when she is done.

Not an “exciting” pet, but she has a pretty cool personality, and is fun to play with. This one is aobut… 3 or 4 feet long or so, from head to tail.

Never been in a cage in her whole life, other then when she was born at the pet store.


Pretty neat. Id never want one but looks cool.