My day at work

well my friend justin calles me in for work so i said sure on my way…
as soon as i get there i find out we going to clean the apt of somone who died. so i dident think anything of it sure. So we get there. the smell is sooo potent we put our gear on and air breathers. **** man blood on the floor think the old man just died on the floor. well you can only imagine the stench of somone who was laying on the floor for a week. for thos who dont know when you die and time goes by the body pops and you ooz blood so imagine that with maggots. man most disgusting thing ive ever seen. and ive seen dead people before. but this was nasty. my clothes stunk and so did i… oh man… and to think i have to go back tomorrow makes me woozy… but oh well thats my day. fun fun.

The question is, how much did you get paid?


You sure? For me whatever I get for something like that is never enough.

death is a part of life dont bother me at all. its just gross. and it pays the bills well somewhat so whatever it takes really. i was at the fire a few weeks ago where a blind ladys apt burnt down tried to go back to get her cats and dident make it back out. was sad tho cause the cats where dead behind the door. oh well… ive seen far worse things than this.

oh damn. i read about that on the news. she wouldnt listen to the rescue crew and insisted to go back for her cats.

yah but she whent in before they got there and she dident make it out

What the hell do you do for a living?

ya thats what im wondering now…

x3 for that one.


he obviously cleans apts that have dead ppl in it…


i thought he worked at pendizle?

nah man new job and i do emergency response for buildings. and i also help gut them and clean them up incase of fires, floods and worse case dead people. its all in a days work. not that bad actually. just stinks really bad. then ur clothes smell hahaha… it just grossed me out cause was alot fo blood and had magots when i was passing it with the shovel almost made me hurl… haha… but was jokes . i got justin back today tho… you think a body smells bad **** man u should have smelled this guys ****ign fridge!! smelled soooooo bad!! i could smell it threw my mask. disgusting. 1000 times worse. told the ****er there was pop and somthing else and somthing funny inside. he had no mask on so the dumbass opens the fridge and down come the maggots and 2 cans of coke. so much rotten food. gaged so hard then he ran out so fast almost barfed his guts out lol he almost fainted.!!! pay backs a bitch …


sounds like good times… is there really that many incidents like ^? … i can’t think people live in such conditions.

i want a job doing this shit what the …
i am down. im just really desensitized from all the grand theft auto and faces of death movies…or actually just form having hte internet from a young age

haha dude… I really think a real-life experience is far more eerie and messed up than what you see on tv or surf on the internet…trust I’m a pussy too. lol

Word. I really don’t think it’s the same. Regardless, my job is pretty boring, so I don’t think I would mind some excitement.