My deal of the day.

Let me know when you go to sell it and I’ll buy it off of you, seriously. Nice pickup though. Guess I gotta check out CL more often.

was trying to get a kid to buy it as his first car at the pizzeria Fri or Sat night.
There have been some killer deals on CL the last few weeks,right Mr BDR!

Fast and The Furious immediately came to mind, lol.

Intake manifold failure!!!


Pretty sure the starter is going too, I pulled it out today and I’m going to have it tested.

Fix starter
Find vac leak
Rig door to work Done.

Replace doors, grind surface rust off, bondo and primer.

Cheaply paint the car, restore the interior and clean it up.


I mean drive.

fuck, i was so going to post that :banghead:

LOL^ i thought it was legit, so i didnt even click it :lol:

mother fucker. is this car from hamburg?

Started doin work to this bad boy.

Problem list:
Vac leak Fixed
Boost leak Fixed
Needs a general brake overhaul Fixed
Niether door opens from the outside, probably due to a broken clip or something Fixed
Headliner was falling down, now is ripped apart. Removed completely
Driver side mirrior is off its mount Rigged
Bees nest in passenger side mirror Burned
Lost random underbody sheet metal on highway. *Removed exhaust heat shield.

The only real problems with the car now are:
Exhaust leak
Missing head liner
Missing head unit+Trim
Airbag cover is pealing off (Trying to glue)
Rust spots (Currently angle grind-ed to bare metal, primered)
Rot (Actually rotted through in one spot… The spare tire holder. I’m gonna cut off wheel the cancer away and have my boss weld new steel there.)
Both doors+Interior panels are junk

I’m pretty sure I’m gonna order a shitty turbo back exhaust, clean up some more stuff, get two new doors+Interior pieces, a stock OEM head unit+trim piece, and do a few more little things to the car.

As it sits right now, starts, runs great, stops great, no suspension clunks, you can get into the car. It’s just how I want it.

Good to hear your progress. Lol i got my car Monday and im waiting for parts to come in.

With that airbag, i doubt glue will hold it lol. Once it starts peeling, thats it time for a replacement. Unless you can rig it up, but in my old 95 fwd glue did nothing lmao.

i drove this it sounds cool with the exhaust leak :slight_smile: