Nice to see its all done :tup:
searching the autotrader section now to see it up for sale…
I saw it and lolled my ass off.
Interesting fact:
Mike’s asked his mom to assemble it, she did it right.
Did not.
lol mine was done the same way and works perfectly? im thinking someone messed with it and took pics… since it worked for how long?
full boost comes on at 5k in 3rd gear, i see 22 psi by 4200.
dont come in my thread and start shit, if you want to talk to me PM me or come to my work since you work 2 seconds away. along with all the little humpers…
defintely faster, last year my load values were at 340, this year i maxxed them out at 380 lol. tom is gonna have to rescale the tables to 400.
Then yours is wrong too.
What it should look like:
What it looked like in his car:
That is 100% WRONG.
And i’m sure that all this damage came from someone “messing” with it…
I saw it with my own 2 eyes. The car was DEFINITELY driven with the forks free from the flywheel. The smash marks match up perfectly.
If yours is that way, you should fix it before you trash your trans input shaft.
HAHA LOL at messing with it and taking pics. Mike could not have replicated those gouges in the pressure plate if he tried.
LOL and if yours is installed the same way you better get it out of there NOW HAHA
It just sucks that he paid him to install it, he fucked it up, and won’t even give mike back the money he paid him to ruin a 1700 dollar clutch…
Well if is really is installed the same way, he is going to have to pay for his own as well haha. It is super shitty though.
oh geez… so what ET’s are you looking for this year? traps?
11.2 @ 140
whens it going on the dyno and what kind of power are you expecting?
Before or after the clutch eats itself ? :meh:
lets head back on topic…
you wanna bitch about a clutch install make a different thread…
no clue, i hope to hit 10’s but you know how that goes…
as far as trap speed, i just hope to be in the 130’s lol
Isnt that about where you wanted to be last year? cant wait to hear what your real times turn out to be :tup:
slicks? DR’s ? in car vids? WTF !!
That’s why you pay a shop to do your work, not a “friend”