32psi would be on delta 100oct. 40psi on q16. i dont daily the car, its just a weekend warrior
40 psi thats gonna be fuckin awsome!!
i have 10 gallons of 93oct and 11psi for you!!!
Yea, put it on a mustang dyno and then blame the shitty output on the dyno. :banghead:
lol im ready
i’ll have 16 gallons of 93 and over 2200psi ready…
LOLOL LMAO i like that :bigclap:
nice setup tho paul, hope she holds together.
lol fuckers!
zing… lets start small and run me… the slowest of the F bods!
well needless to say the car is done and tuned! tom is up here for 2 weeks and we knocked it out sunday. right now the car sits at 31psi, everything went well with no problems thankfully lol. we will be messing around with it again this weekend, there is more room for the boost to go up, its just how far do i want to push the line…
afrs are a little leaner than last year, right now shes running at a solid 12.1 throughout the pull
What RPM does full boost kick in?
awesome! cant wait for some vids.
31 psi and room to grow. wow.
That’s awesome. How does it feel compared to last years setup/tune?
Hope you installed your clutch better than that hackjob you did on Mike’s car. WTF.