My winter beater

Small clip of my Turbo Suzuki samurai

20+ psi lol Stock INTERNALS!
25psi and act clutch coming soon. :slight_smile:

Made another quick vid. Shows dds3 gauge and fia2 light up under load. Looks nice.
Interior shot and hfs-5 install
Warning: Spanish reggaeton music inside. Mute if you wish :tup:

Nice, looks like a fun winter beater fo sho

NO! god damn I am so jealous. I have a sami too!!!

I thought you sold it? Did you buy another one? Lets drop a 16v engine in tti :-0

Jojo, that is fucking awesome! I want a ride…seriously, I do…

Sure thing man. I might shoot vids this weekend. I’ll text you so you can take it for a spin :slight_smile:

I’ve seen this thing in person and It’s ridiculous!

Haha awesome that’s so badass!

hey i want a ride too :slight_smile:
nice parts!

That’s sick. Love it

I can not believe the bottom end it taking it.

Very cool!

Are you still using the stock PCM or Megasquirt?

:tup: I regret not taking a closer look at this when I had the chance. Awesome stuff, man. looks like a lot of fun

lol thanks :tup:


Thanks. Im using stock ecu for now. A couple changes were made to it, to work properly with boost and single 1.2ohm injector :slight_smile: . I will be using MS next year with new setup and bigger turbo.

Thanks man…Where did you see this?


word. :tup: thanks[COLOR=“Silver”]

Thanks man… Its lots of fun.

My buddy had a POS Samurai and it was one of the most fun winter vehicles I can remember. Thing was unstopabe. It got so bad towards the end that you could not put anything in the rear floor area as it would fall right through.

When I bought the sentra I saw it in your garage

ohh thats right lol

My buddy’s tracker was a blast, this thing has to rock!

haha thats awesome

Sorry dude, will be in NY this w/e. I’ll call you next week (I don’t have text messaging)!

My buddy had one of these a few yrs ago…It was a beast in the snow and mud. It made some pretty cool jumps over near tifft (sp) street. There some offroading area there.
LOL good times