Made another quick vid. Shows dds3 gauge and fia2 light up under load. Looks nice.
Interior shot and hfs-5 install
Warning: Spanish reggaeton music inside. Mute if you wish :tup:
Thanks. Im using stock ecu for now. A couple changes were made to it, to work properly with boost and single 1.2ohm injector . I will be using MS next year with new setup and bigger turbo.
My buddy had a POS Samurai and it was one of the most fun winter vehicles I can remember. Thing was unstopabe. It got so bad towards the end that you could not put anything in the rear floor area as it would fall right through.
My buddy had one of these a few yrs ago…It was a beast in the snow and mud. It made some pretty cool jumps over near tifft (sp) street. There some offroading area there.
LOL good times