My experience at Nurburgring!

I’ve been wanting to write about my trip to the Nurburgring for a long time, and I finally got around to it today, and posted it on my blog. You can read about it here:

There are a few pics too. It was truly an amazing experience!

I hate you.


At the top of my bucket list.

Cool trip, but after reading about half of your story I was starting to think that your wife was the narrator.

So cool. No helmets though?

Fun read. Sweet rental!

Great read, sounds like an absolute blast :tup:

Sounds like a great time…thanks for sharing.

If autocross was equivalent to playing rock, paper, scissors with a friend, driving the Nürburgring was playing Russian Roulette with a complete stranger.

^ I like that.

Nice :tup:

Nope, no helmets! I asked, and all they had was one that was much too small and much too old to do any good!

Thanks for all the positive comments guys. I’ll be writing lots more about my car-related travels on that site. If you guys have done cool stuff around the globe, whether it was a cool road trip, watching an F1 race somewhere, or renting a Ferrari in Vegas, and would like to write something, shoot me a PM or e-mail. I want to share more cool stories from other people on the site.

If you want to keep up with new postings, follow TravelDriveRace on Facebook - I just made a new post about my trip to Maranello. :slight_smile: