My fair well to all in Buffalo…

Tom who will I laugh at “those things” with at meets now :frowning:

BTW, maybe you should stop by my house on your way down… hang out in NYC for a night or something.

Tommy, I am really glad we have become friends over the past couple months.

I am going to miss seeing you everyday, and you randomly slipping objects into my butthole.

I will be down to visit you in late august. :wink:

<3 Beck

P.S.- I’m still waiting for you to put a rock on my finger, and take me down with you.

Good luck with the move Tom, my girlfriend lives in Charleston so i’m down there a few times a year. It’s a great city, you’ll have a good time.

just an hour and 1/2 down the road from me in Myrtle Beach :tup: is a decent any car site down there, I’m part of scfyb as well, which is a sc vette & fbody club. Let me know sometime if you wanna chill since we’re both from the Buff :tup:

good choice buffalo bLOWs

Awww shucks. We’ll miss ya mang.

farewell ( :ham: )tom!

good luck


Congrats on the job bro :tup: Sux you have to re-locate, but charleston is very nice IMHO.

On the other hand…I will no longer have a twin evo riding around and people mistaking me for you and vice versa :mamoru:


good luck tom! congrats on the new job…you’ll be back up here i know it

good luck oldness…buy another bike and enjoy life…enjoy a very nice climate as well…

good luck tom, it was really nice to get to know ya… ill miss ya buddy thanks for all the help with everything. had some good times hanging out 2gether

Good luck, have fun. Im sure you will come back, at least to visit sometime.


Well Tom, we’ve known each other for years, I saw you constantly at Bux. Man, it’s gonna suck not having you around… but, :tup: to the new job, and hopefully Charleston and its history, its gorgeous women and the beach bring you much success and happiness!

I love that city, it’s a lot of fun and the food is incredible!

I’ll probably see you before you go, so I guess I won’t make this too long.

It was great hanging with ya, and hopefully you don’t just disappear forever :slight_smile:

Good luck Tom!

Congrats on the new job…hope everything works as planned for ya

Good Luck! I’m sure you’ll like Charelston.


^ deff that area is awesome

good luck in you’re new workplace and congrats!

congrats! whos taking your job?

Aww Tom, I’ll miss you. Good luck with the new job and making new friends

I hope to see you before you leave …

<3 D