My first AWD expierence

So my gf is house sitting and they have an 01 Audi A4 Quattro.She has permission to use the car but its a 5 speed and she cant drive stick.

When i stepped outside i noticed the rims were’nt stock.They were a nice gunmetal color to match the dark blue paint.Thats when i noticed it was lowered also.I was all giddy to drive this since iv never driven an AWD car before.
As I pulled out of the driveway on this warm fall night I only planned on going for trip around the block. After a couple miles of driving I approach a light and it turns yellow and i proceed to stop. I notice in my right hand mirror an eclipse was coming.I said to my gf “I hope this is a kid and not some old guy so we can race” only half kidding.To my dissapointment it was a guy in his mid 30’s.

The light turns green and I let the clutch out slow since this is only the third time driving it from a stop. I give it a little throttle and at about 4,500 rpm i notice this 2nd gen eclipse is right next to me.By the time i realized it and mashed the pedal to the floor he was 1 car length ahead of me.As i shifted into second i could feel the butterflies in my stomach at such a rare oppertunity to run someone,let alone in a different car then my own. I shift in to thrid and we stay the same.Still 1 car ahead of me. We were traveling close to the triple digits as i let in it foruth. My gf was telling me to slow down in a paniced voice.I knew I was beat and let off.The eclipse owner gave the peace sign out the window and went on his way.
I drove back to the house in shame and defeat.As i look back to this wet fall day I think i would have had him if i launched it. I guess i can only speculate how it would have been if i had driven the car a little more.

lol. does awd even matter in this case?

does that car even have the capacity to spin the tyres?

im not really hating, but doing that in someone else’s car is kinda :bloated:

a4 = slow


audi’s have a hard time spinning the tires

nothing like doing a redline clutch drop in an audi, just to have the ecu dial back the horsepower on ya :frowning:


im not really hating, but doing that in someone else’s car is kinda :bloated:


Oh well if you don’t I will…

Doing that in someone elses car is stupid.