My first Pie Cuts

Picked up an old Band saw so I could build exhuast system for my baja ,had fun just practicing with it but definatly need more time to perfect it

WTF is that?

A band saw…

-did you take that pic with a fisheye lens?
-make the short side of the pie cut longer
-is that welded with JB weld?
-that craps.

As always thankyou so much for your positve feed back .your constructive thoughts warm my heart and my ego.And no i did not J B weld that

ummm wtf is it?

You were expecting…?

Try a shallower angle. I think 10* is prefered, it looks like you were able to do a 90* in 4 cuts, should take you 9 cuts.

Some simple math should let you know how much to cut on the small and large side…

i’m just sayin. as i said, make the short side longer (less angle).

You want about a 3-4" inside bend radius.

Try sucking at it less.

Kinda looks like heat vents for a house

yea i dunno what is goin on in this picture

these diagrams i came up with work well also …

diameters listed down the left hand side are the inside diameters of the bends, just like mandrel bends are measured

possible angles with that segment size are listed across the top

angle of the cuts to make those size segments are listed below that, the angels listed apply to all the segments directly below it

the measurements listed next to each bend are the short side and long side length to achieve the diameters listed on the left

any questions, or if you want different pipe sizes or inside diameters drawn up, just lemme know

damn nick dont tell everyone how you got so good

doesnt matter, im now upgrading do doing my shit in 3d … i have a 10gig hard drive with 3 different cad programs on it, the above diagrams are weaksauce to me ATM

i’m not saying i could do a better job

or that i would even attempt this.



sometimes the best way to do something yourself, is to call someone else

in your case, you would call me …

TO TURBO YOUR CORVETTE DAMNIT !!! i mean god … wtf … boost>* …but your still NA … pussy

Pratice, look at all the exhausts in the background, theye are all cut up.
That thing on the right looks like a smoke stack from the titanic.



looks good