my friend has a problem with his 240sx...

well when the car starts up it studders and the motor shakes we found it its the sparkplugs plugged in wrong. today i was told that “he went into 3rd and hes like u feel that after i let go of clutch and gas? it stutters a bit. Hes like its dying like no power hes like u barely can go into 4th” this was exactly what he told me from what someone told him. would it be the car dying or just the wiring?

I had a similar problem in my pathinfinder (exept it was a auto) the rotor was absolutly shot

1st…did you fix sparkplugs? lol…cause if u have them in wrong it will make really awkward noises you dont want to hear from ur engine…

yes the sparkplugs are in right. the thing i dont’ belive is that all the guy did was test drive it and then told him that the car is dieing wihtout doing checks like a scope and a compressoin test so ya.

Sounds exactly like what just happend to me… and now my engine is dead. Getting replaced in a few days!

Make sure the spark plugs are gapped properly. They come “pre-gapped” but never trust that. Because when they say pre-gapped, their trying to fit that gap into all manufacturer’s specs which won’t happen. They usually come about 0.40-0.45 gap. Next, make sure your distributor cap and rotor are still in good condition. If their burnt, replace them. Excessive corrosion, replace them. Lastly make sure the plug wires are right. Just do the usual tune -up stuff and then if the problem persists, look into other problems such as a mass airflow sensor for example. As part of a tune-up, you may want to replace the fuel filter too.