My friends daughter got molested.. please give them a fridge!!!!

this must have JUST been posted, because I just clicked the craigslist buffalo “wanted” section, and this was the first thing that popped up.


“Heartfelt story… please read!!”

sounds like more than someones heart got felt.

I dont know where to start i am posting this ad for a friend has a 3 yr. old daughter that slept over her grand-mothers house on new years.her daughter came home telling her mommy that her uncle touched her friend then took her to the hospital which confirmed that she was touched.she was penetrated and has scratches all inside of her.The uncle got off on all charges today because the 3 yr. old cant stand trial.This was also in the buffalo news.Now, my friend gets a call today from child protection they want to come and see her monday.she is in desperate need of a stove and fridge hopefully befor then.She has a crock pot and stuff that she cooks on but no stove and fridge.can someone please help her.thanks for reading and god bless.

In case it gets flagged.

tranny alert!!!

daughter came home telling her mommy that her uncle touched her pee-pee

what the fuck is that all about??im mad now

good idea. I’m sure that ad won’t last long.


Ahahaha… wow, this is one of the more clever ones


but why does she need a new fridge and stove…

lol someone send them a box for a fridge but no fridge

I have a broken fridge :gotme:

“she was penetrated and has scratches all inside of her”

like it wasnt enough just to say that she was molested


Shit, sounds like she was molested by Mr. T with all his rings on and shit.

Case solved bitches…