My friend's new ride. Oh my.

your viper can’t beat it…

you asked… and i quote "

i answered…dont be mad

i do what i can :stuck_out_tongue: :gotme:

y do u got to bash the vette… i personally think its an amazing ride…and after im done with this car, im gettin a c5

people can say the same about a viper…

to each their own…u gota great car, but like others are saying, u need to step off ur throne


cough cough mordak cough cough

the vettes not as prestigeous as his prestigeous viper. :gotme:

Nice Viper :tup: I always love Vipers, but seriously chill with the Viper owns all comments. 1300rwhp is seriously but its not special anymore , although it is rare! The GM’s LSx engines will go up that high with two less cylinders and less displacement, and the Toyota inline 6’s get close to that with less than half of that displacement and four less cylinders. There are a hand full of people that will hand you your ass when you start cruising next summer. To put a bigger blow to your ego, there are a few little Honda hatches that will also roll by ya, I kid you not.

Anyway glad to see ya a board and looking forward to meet ya next year.

Oh here is a C5 Vette that is full bodied and runs a 8.63s

and his thread

your stealth cant beat a neon, there, i answered it

you’re an idiot…i dont have a stealth. I would have liked to see you try to beat it when i had it though…newb

also way to go off track because you have nothing else to say…haha you sound just like dan too haha

relax, hes from grand island.

the only suburb of buffalo, with a cover charge :lol: (taken from the edge)

:lol: my bad.

:rofl: You seriously drive a Prizm??

Your gonna hate that thing now!

i know how they get.

dem grand lslanders get pretty fiesty.

especially when they find out your sleeping with thei daughters/sisters :eek:

and I see your a vette owner too…wow…i see where your coming from LOL…go race some imports.

dude u gota chill…we will wipe the slate clean…
come out this weekend and race some of us…fiendly races…
im sure if u want people will put money on the line…

fyi…stealth knows his shit too… hes owned a vette himself…hes not just a dumb kid with a pos ricer

i bet theres a car of every make here that could give u a run…u really makin urself look like an ignorant ass… u dont know what ur talkin about… just save urself some embarrassment and stop talkin about how u>*…

please…im sayin this to be nice

fixed :frowning:

Marcus…he doesn’t own it anymore.

sorry stealtth

you guys need to chill, all my budy did was post a pic of my car and most of you fuggers have your panties in a bunch…once I am ready, we can race. mt car is stock, i will race stock cars…and the vette owners…we shall see who is faster stock for stock.

I sold the vette, again do your Homework

Why cant you be like mike? :lol: fast car, cool attitude!

Ya know whats funny is, i’m sitting back looking at my computer screen laughing. Seriously LOL’ing all over the place feeling bad for you and you’re the one with the viper. What i wouldn’t give to own that automobile…

However, i would not trade my automotive knowledge and current car for you viper and your knowledge. nor would i want to trade attitudes. For the past 5 years I have had cars that were faster then the majority of the cars on here…I never once came out and said that or even called anyone out…Your attitude really sucks and wish you the best with it. However, i encourage you to come to some meets, be chill and learn a thing or two. You might have a better time with it then your current course of action. everyone deserves a second chance IMO.

no one had their panties in a bunch until you came on here, saying :blah: and talking out of your anus. :gotme:

thats how it is, on the internet and the real world.

again… nice car…but saying a vette is just a vette?

no matter how you look at it, a viper is still a dodge :slight_smile:

your a tool. as i recall you started shit and how much beeter vettes are. do youy think i care? you can lol your ass all you want. your obviously a clown with no sense of humor and no character.



you asked, “money for money, mod for mod, show me a better car than a viper.”

Stealtth did, and now you’re the tool.

P.S.- why am i sticking up for stealtth, he can obviously do it himself… :stuck_out_tongue: