My gf has an annoying stalker.

The person has to be a close friend if he got the number all four times. Therefore if she doesn’t recognize the voice she’s dumb and worthless anyhow.

Cancel her cell phone service and get a pager,they’re making a comeback.




She’s getting a deep dicking from said “faggot”

hell… from the sounds of it… maybe even more than one.

damn, thats gotta leave a bad taste in your mouth (for real though)

+26 my money says guy from work. I don’t think they keep numbers written on street corners though.

Damn I see some great advice here :lol:

If she’s that annoyed with him calling tell her to set up a meet with him at a starbucks or something for coffee then have her not show and follow the fucker home, get plate#, etc…
if you have the name you can get the number

you should take her phone from her… and see if she ever calls the number… check the times, and that will tell you how much they know each other

then if you suspect something… follow her around… watch her through her window… see who she ims, read her conversations…

then you will know the truth about her…

and be really fucking creepy :slight_smile:

^^this thread^^


:lol: I love this thread!

And yeah, if she’s being “stalked” for 3 years, something else is up. I bet she saves his number as “Anonymous”

So how’s it taste?

I <3 winter nyspeed

Shes not a whore…she never charged me once :wink:


i’m pretty sure this is probably the fastest train wreck i’ve ever seen.

please i only call her cause the bitch has blowing me for the last three years. it will stop soon if those crooked fucking teeth dont get straighter

3 years and she hasn’t changed her number yet? she 1. knows who it is 2. is talking to them while you’re not around.

ask her to change her number, for her safety… if she refuses, you’re screwed :slight_smile:

READ, she changed her number 4 TIMES

dude see if you can go on that show cheaters

now that would be some funny shit