My gf has an annoying stalker.

I bet its your father, “END” he hears you fuck her in your room, he masturbates furiously listening to her head hitting off your wall. After she leaves he vacuums your room, and collects all her hair.

then he rubs her hair all over his nipples and dildos himself in the ass. End’s father has a loose ass.

he gets her number from your phone when you leave it somewhere. Have her change her number again… AND HOLD ON TO YOUR PHONE!! So pappa can’t find her number again… problem solved…

Or let your father join in on the Anal poundage


hahaha at least this thread made me laugh a couple times

FYI she is deff fuckin him…i pretended i didnt know the person calling me when i was with my other (now x) girlfriend and had the other on the side

+1 to she’s fucking him behind your back and using the “stalker” story as a coverup


:roll: it happens, im not the only one on here

oh man… i hope he takes this serious… and gives her a nice black eye or something lol

Stalkers are, by definition, annoying. Non-annoying stalkers are called friends.

Sounds like some shady shit :gotme:


My last ex did the same crazy shit. And even played the rape card.

No police, no rape. GTFO

heavy breathing

… you’re out of milk.

This guy will never post on this forum again…lol @ you mean people…#1 rule in life fuck bitches literally and physically!!!

:rofl: You guys are dicks! :lol:

thats harrasment, ive had cops here trying to get phone records for less

change the number…problem solved. no need to make a thread about it. just change the number. easy.

that’s how i filtered out stalkers.

people actually stalked you? even the stalkers are lowering their standards. :slight_smile:



use softer toilet paper,
problem solved

whats your gfs number ill call her and see whats going on
