My god it happened again...WTF?!?

What’s going on with this state??? :dunno:

too many mining tools held together with west virginia chrome

just sad

Freeze unfreeze freeze unfreeze… Doesnt help the mines I guess…

Winter is the worst time of year for mines and explosions. The low pressure systems cause the methane to be liberated at a much higher rate than during the summer.

This sounds like it is a belt fire, which is a fairly common occurence. The missing miners on the other hand is not normal. Hopefully they find them quickly and unharmed.

Hopefully they find them quickly and unharmed.

The problem is coal prices are at an all time high, production is being pushed to the limit, and the mines are understaffed (they just can’t find enough miners to hire). The belt conveyors that take coal away from the face need to be kept free of coal dust otherwise hot bearings and other heat/ flash sources ignite the coal dust and cause a fire. In order to keep the belts clean and keep an eye on bearing temperatures and other hazards, a mine needs enough miners. You can see where this is going. I hope they’re able to find the two missing miners alive.

hope they find them

Unfortunately with the intense media-coverage of the most recent incidents, this in not going to help recruitment efforts.

Geez I hope they get out alive. Very sad.

updated…and very sad :frowning: