My House

well im no baller, im just curious what your beef is, i called you out at swerve and you said everything was cool. i say hi to chris and ask him about his wrx and you thought i was talking to you, then you call michelle and giggle saying how pathetic i am trying to be your friend? i made her invite you out to wild wings that one time because you have nothing to do and im trying to be civil. im still trying to comprehend what your logic is. perrin what did i do to you, offer to help get that hot tub running last yr, offer you more money than your piece of shit honda was worth? what is your deal man, you have big nuts online but when i ask you a simple question face to face you have nothing to say. look man you dont have to brag to michelle saying you were being nice to me by not kicking me out of the SCCA truck, you should have just told me you didnt want me there. all i did was talk to you on her screenname a year ago when You broke up with your girlfriend because she was sick of you talking to her. just like she doesnt answer half the time you im her because she gets sick of you. i dont give a shit either if you like her or not, im not threatened by you(your figure or your lack of personality), besides paul already said you think shes ugly. i seriously just dont get you, why the fuck would you dig up your SOLO times from yrs ago and compare them with mine in my rookie season? Other than that stupid Mcrae sticker you have on your car that you think makes you a pro rally driver i didnt say anything bad about you. I didnt even make any fat ginger jokes about you. Perrin i love hearing your stories of how you fuck up. You complain how you have no money for rent, yet you get a weekly speeding ticked (Mcrae sticker didnt make you a better driver in that regard), have tons of cash for chicken fingers and chocolate cake for lunch every day, and car parts. shouldnt you be thinking about paying tuition, seriously how old are you and you dont have a degree yet? are you going to fail again this semester? why are you such a charlatan spouting off like youre a genius about everything. Maybe youre good at computers i dont know, but quit acting like youre an intellectual giant. Why do you say incoherent shit all the time. You told me to try designing a course and i asked you for simple guidelines and dimensions, sadly you were uninformative and basically didnt answer anything. Marnie, Cassie, and Dave actually put something useful on the table. Next time I lay out questions for you that need digits or monosyllabic answers, dont be lazy, just do it, because whenever you talk out of your ass it just wastes my time. Perrin i was civil around you out of respect for our mutual friend. Whatever reason makes you think im pathetic for being friendly i dont give a shit. I dont like you, im not going to be nice anymore. We have nothing in common nor can you even comprehend my lifestyle; we will never be equals. Since youre not gentleman like nor do you have class, I have no problem whatsoever valuing you less than gum stuck to the bottom of my shoe. good luck to you