My Husband forgot our Anniversary....


ehh… there’s always next year!

… did you beat his ass yet?

uh - o. doghouse ftw!

looks like your hubbys permit to park his car in your garage tonight has been revoked :kekegay:

he didnt,im picking u up from work!then the partys on!

Not yet… but I’ll try to get video…

I made him Beef Stroganoff for dinner… because I didn’t forget

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Brian… always the friend trying to save his sorry ass…


u should make him stroke off his off beef for forgetting!

Translation please?

which anniversary is it?

3rd… but… it took him 6 years to talk me into it… so you would think he would remember… especially since I have his Yahoo mail set to send him all these reminders.


beef strokin off…

sorry to hear that hubby forgot.

He’s sorry too… hahahahaha


why u :crying:

well that would also punish me… so I’ll think of something else…

I wasn’t… that was directed at you.

thats why im picking u up!:bigthumb:

why im a :crying:? the get to piuck u up!:sex: