My job can be fun

i was actually thinking a Red Cobalt, u know so i can be a boyracer

I work at Brookstone and I had an african american young man who resembled Lil Jon sitting in one of the full massage chairs. I asked him how he was doing and he said, “good. do these chairs run on batteries?” after barely holding in a laugh, I told him, “they either plug in or take 30 D batteries.” He said “cool, thanks” and had a calculating look on his face, I guess he was trying to figure out how much 30 D batteries would cost :rofl

me and dkid15 also convinced two african american girls that our massagers that slide over the back of chairs, in cooperation with our blankets, can cure cancer. they said, “nah, niggah, you must be playin wit me!”. I said “well, they only cure 3 types of cancer, brain, lung, and kneecap.” one of them said “I think my grandma had kneecap cancer.”:rofl:rofl swear to god. They asked how much they cost, I pulled out the classic line “$80, but for YOU… $79.99!” They were so pumped, they though I was gonna cut them a sweet deal or something :rofl Then they left the store to provide much-needed entertainment to some other lucky mall employee.

last one, my manager (mike) was closing up shop one night when a bunch of gangstahzzzz “rolled up” to the front of the store where we keep the remote control helicopters. The guy who appeared to be the leader of the 6 or 7 kids in the group said “yo maing, how much dees helicopters?” Mike said “$50”. The leader kid said “DAYEM dats steep. yo we in a recession, can i get one for $30?” the other kids thought that was the funniest thing they’d ever heard, until my manager said “oh yeah, well if you can’t afford it, you can recess your ass down to the dollar store”. All the other kids did the classic “OHHHHHHHHHH SHIT SONN!” with their fists over their mouths the leader kid was struggling for words. They just walked away :rofl:rofl

That last one made me lol. lol.

Jason, this is why im NOT in the customer service of any kind anymore. I got sick and tired of that exact kind of shit from people.

Dammm nice choice~!:vlad

I used to work at Alpinhaus in amsterdam when I was in highschool. I was a lot monkey, basicly powerwashed RV’s, tractored around units and did all kinds of shit around the lot. My manager was my buddys father, and we knew the owners rather well too so we got away with alot of crap.

We were powerwashing some shit outside on a nice summer day. This hottie with her parents were walking around the lot looking at campers. She walked by and gave me a smile, and I didnt think anything of it. Next thing I know she split off from her parents and was over talking to us. Long story short she wanted to see the inside of the $500,000 coaches at the front of the lot. me and 2 other guys got blown. And to top it off, the RV we went into and did the deeds was right in view from the front of the store. Later on 2 sales guys came up to us and asked us if we were able to convince the girl to get her partents to buy the RV! lol

We used to have golf carts to ride around in. With my skinny ass driving, a buddy in the back you can go in reverse and jam forward and wheelie it. so one day we figured if we go to the top of the lot (which is on a hill) we could roll down the hill a little and wheelie back up. Well lets just say the front end came up QUICK! laid it right on the club rack… again infront of all the sales guys looking out the windows.

We drifted 32’ Class C rvs in the snow, that was fun. We used to have to crawl under the units and undercoat the frames. I hucked a full can of undercoat to my buddy and it blew open on a rock and COVERED him! looked like he came out of a coal factory!

The funniest thing was one morning, I was a little hung over and was talking to my buddys not watchign where I was going and walked right intoa car going through the parking lot, the were going rather fast too. I went over the hood and ended up on the back window/trunk… again, right infront of everyone at the front of the shop.

This guy over in pools almost got arested after hours. The amsterdam police would go around every night and check on the place… well it turns out the cop caught a glimps of a light inside the pool show room. The pool guy figured he would take 3 girls in the showroom and take a dip in the hot tub on display! he had candles, and a bottle of wine too! Cops called the owners and he got caught! LOL

^Sounds like a fucking great job! :rofl

You shoulda said: “are your sure?” :rofl

My job is better. I light stuff on fire, blow stuff up, plug subwoofers into outlets, ride razor scooters, shoot potato guns, work on my car, and race around R/C Trucks, Helicopters, and airplanes.

^you hiring? i could use a 4th job

You tell 'em Jay! lol

Looks like I missed out on my younger years, damn. All I did was bag groceries and ring up orders.

Trump card:

co-worker and I made this at work when I was like 18, I made the bong, he made the DIY.

DIY Traffic cone gravity bong.

Sooo many stories, sooo tired.

Hahahaha. That’s great benny

When I was working as an installer in BestBuy crossgates we did that one time with 2 12" rockford HE2’s. They lasted for a good minute or two and managers were like WTF was that, it was stupid loud in the store. :rofl The subs were installed in a buddies car too and that shit smelled his car up soo bad lol.

Jim, I LOVE plugging old subs into sockets, its so FUN! I should come visit sometime, if uve got some extra subs sitting around u want to blow up.

When telemarketers call i usually ask them what time it is, it throws them off and then they usually answer somthing wrong or they try to figure out what time it is in NY.

I have done too many stupid things at work to tell storys about, burnouts in the garage, taking the tractor trailer out to lunch, throwing rocks at old buildings, shooting at old buildings.

i get to go hangout here with you awsome guys while im at work.! its like shift is my job.