My mini garage build, more like a renovation.

Not putting up a new structure or anything but I finally was able to get started on this. Moved into the house about year before the work started give or take a few weeks. Not quite up to par of the other builds on here, but still it was a largish project.

Basically it started as a un-insulated detatched space with old 2 prong outlets and a archaic fuse box. I wanted to get some insulation and a heater in there, but it basically snowballed into re-doing almost everything.

One thing holding me back was that my upstairs was full of an old roomates stuff / stuff left behind by the previous owner. Once that was cleared out I had a lot more room.

Organized a bit

The a-hole that lived here before me, put a little addition on the side of his garage as a dog house. It was wet, smelled, looked like shit and basically just sucked. Even worse he did this to the wall so he had access to it. (after I tore the dog house down)

So I put a man door in.

And cleaned up again:

Ripped out the built in bench that has been up for probably 30 years.

And empty.


Scary, I know.

Woah…looking forward to the end result…

Tape looks legit…what’s the problem?

Good to see you cleaning it up.

Looking good so far, If you don’t mind me asking, how much was it to buy the insulation? If you want PM me the number. Looking to eventually do a similar renovation to mine.


Speaking of tape ^, that looks pretty similar to the shit they did at my house. It may have been legit, but it seriously looked like hockey tape.

So I got started with a new subpanel. Never did this before so it was a learning expierience, but all in all pretty easy.

I have something like 25 110v outlets and 3 220v ones in the garage now. :slight_smile:

Began insulating.

To get upstairs there is basically a big opening splitting the attic space in two. It runs the depth of the garage and is about 6 ft long. I didn’t want to insulate the peak, so I made a false cieling and insulated the rest of cieling like normal.

Getting my ‘panels’ home.

OSB time was next.

I used what Home Depot calls 'thrifty white hardboard for the ceiling because it as light and reflective. Also got some new lights.

I was then missing a bench. But you can see the little heater I got in there. Its about 20K BTU, runs on 220, and has a built in thermostat. Its working quite well for now, and thats even with the one leaky un-inuslated door.

Made one of those:

And Dave (shifty on here) hooked me up with a sweet top to cover half of it!

In the spring I plan on doing something with the floor and also painting the walls.

I’ll also have to get some better pictures that weren’t taken through a potato.

They shoulda used scotch tape so you could see if anything was wiggling loose or burning. LOL

That looks like it’s coming out awesome BTW!

Thanks, it was tough not having a space to work on shit for a while but it was worth it.

He was being sarcastic, ha.

And I could give you a number if I added it all up, but Home Depot sells the wall insulating in pre-cut sections of 7’9’’ or something each. So just count how many you need and how wide your centers on and you can get a pretty decent idea for the walls. I want to say it cost around $300 for the walls, on sale. Ceiling was about the same.

Damn you Shifty! Hook me up with a nice top! :frowning:

Great progress so far. I hate that window on the ground thing that the previous owner did… what was he thinking?

In my experience, they usually aren’t.

You’d actually have to do work on the bench to need one!

Looks good George, came a long way so far. Glad the bench top worked out for you. Hop on Garage Journal if you haven’t already.

Dog door for a big fat dog.

really nice!

Really liked the “windoor”. Looks good. Watch the loading of the attic / storage. Few garages are designed to take much load up there based on clear spans, lumber size, and spacing. Couldn’t really tell from the pics but looks like 2 x 6.

Thanks dude. The bench top is sweet. And yep I’m on there, still not worthy of the shit on there though.

Yeah I’m cleaning up the previous owners messes all around the property, he sucked.

Thanks for the tip on the attic. They are 2x6s with 24" centers, and the garage is roughly 24’ deep. There are probably 6 or 7 vertical supports that tie into the peak up there which gives me some piece of mind. I don’t have a ton of weight up there, and its organized so 75% of the wieght is within 4 feet of the walls.

I do enough work don’t you worry! Focus on that cute swingset in your backyard would ya!

Nice progress! Looks like a big improvement so far.

What kind of framing is that around the door???

2x4s? The wall was in such bad shape from the previous douche I had to go a little crazy.

Looking nice dude.

I need to do this to mine.

Looks good! I’m glad it worked out, especially how the weather was yesterday. If you need anything else, send me a text.

Send me a PM of what you need.