My mom's a loser. She got a DWI.

As for the cost a friend of mine who just went through it tallied it up to around 5k. Plus the monster hit he’s taking on car insurance.

As for the original post, I’m still trying to figure out why you would post this? I mean at least when white trash go on Springer they get paid for airing their dirty laundry in public but here you’re getting nothing.

getting a dwi doesnt make you a loser

It makes u really cool:touchy:

That is just what the state can fine or jail you.

With lawyer fees and state fines it will cost you AT LEAST 5-7k when its over…On first offense and if you are lucky.

Gotta pay to play.


:picard: cause everyone who drives with a .12 kills someone

Barely a buzz bro. I agree with it but yes its not very much at all.

I really don’t see how this could have turned out well dawn, you had to know that posting this would cause this.

…um… i hate to break it to you, but that wasnt a breathalyzer you blew into kiddo :wink:

You said i passed and that was my prize… Meanie.

if you go to jail for a DWI and you had a lawyer, you need to find a new lawyer.

my lawyer got rid of 9 E felonys and 12 A misdemeanors for me with 3 years probation and a $3500 fine. While ON probation, i got 2 B felonys (the 25-life ones), and got off with nothing, AND he got the probation violation (which carried about 30 more years with all my charges) dropped as well.

and i payed him $2500 total for both incidents.

That’s nothing to be proud of.


Wow I found something more white trash then initial post in this thread…

lol, let’s hear this story.

holy hijack.

welcome, consider yourself now the biggest imbecile on the forum.

Why any of you would make this shit public is beyond me

OJ still has you beat

ahah thats greaat

Some of you people are just retarded. Unless I’m blind, I didn’t see him saying he’s “proud” of what he did, but rather gave information from his own experience.

obviously im not proud of it, i never said that… and i said it, cuz it doesn’t matter… not a big deal, i didnt kill anyone, i got set up for some stupid drug deal. but, some things that im sure several people on here have done/bought/possibly sold carry extremely heavy jail time. and the first incident was just some stupid thing me and some friends stole and they gave us a bunch of charges that while completely valid, were ridiculous.