My mom's a loser. She got a DWI.

I would like to try out a breathalyzer sometime to see what the legal limit feels like.

wtf you people are mean, funny but mean.

oh leave her alone she made a post people bitch on here all the time about problems. dawn doesnt start drama in fact she entertained us all with i heart mandi thread so just chill

JOE <3’s DAWN!!

eh, as much as it sucks, these things happen. sorry to hear.

no i only fuck real fat chicks

Shit, I love my Mom way too much to ever publically announce something like this, even if she took 6k from me I’d consider it repayment for years of caring for me :wink:

Dawn you must really hate her lol. I’d def do the phone call joke.

she prolly does, she stole like 6k from dawnny

“so mom I hooked up with this cop last night…”
“the next morning he told me he hooked you up with a DWI!”

not too too bad, depending on how soon he had had his last drink…my personal best was a .28 when one of my friends had the little breathalyzer and I didn’t puke, just got the spins

when I was in Texas my buddy got busted with a .28 and then a couple months later he got a .26

where the hell did you get that information from?

with a 0.12 she can probably plea for a DWAI if she has a good driving record

I hope she doesn’t get away with it. Would serve her right for stealing from Dawn.

Naw, more like $1000 and a year in jail.

Where would a drunk come up with $15k?

But yeah shit happens. People make mistakes. Someone I know spent most of 2006 in jail from a DWI. He’s by no means a drunk/alcoholic. Just fucked up and got caught. Better than having hurting someone on your conscience.

Locked her up before she killed someone.

why post this on a website?

For some reason it takes a lot for females to get tossed into jail for a year. If it’s her first offense, I highly doubt jail. If it’s her second, she may do weekends (yes, they have sentences where you go in for the weekend).

That would suck. I’d rather just go in and get it done instead of having to live to dread weekends. :ohnoes:

umm… a DWI offense could cost up to 15k+ wit lawyer fees but not likely… that is usually for a second DWI offense in which it is a felony.

then you are usually fucked.

sadly I have heard of this sooo much when I am down, it scares me to drive at night.