My new project

Fixed for ya :slight_smile:

Absolutely right! My rider has a cupholder, and the cupholder usually has a Yuengling in it.

haha ā€¦ I have that same mower!!

this would be more whiteyā€™s style

toroā€™s for personal use are really nice, esp like the ones obi 1 said. although i have heard of some ppl having problems with the electric start at times. also i highly recommend Lawn Boys. its all we use for push mowers.

plus with the nice landscaping that you have and the shrubs that are there, also look into getting some nice Hedge trimmers, and a nice Trimmer/weed wacker. for those id def go with Stihl products.

coolā€¦ thanks for the tip! I am going to watch the sales and see what I can maybe pickup towards the end of the summer.

nice place!

lawn mower/ clippers/blower/gas/shovel/wheel barrow =$$$$$$

Mexican landscapers =$$

Id go with the landscapersā€¦ just think they can stay in your shedā€¦

hahahā€¦ you are not the first person to recommend this! I got a sweet leaf blower/mulcher last year at sears before winter. I actually love using that thing.

as long as the shedā€™s bigger than the back of a caravan.

awesome house man, Iā€™ll have to check it out sometime

let me know if u need anything i can sometimes get really good deals on stuff

there goes the neighborhood

let me know when if you want that counter top change cousin is a granite guy and does work on the sideā€¦can get some wild exotic stuff cheepā€¦

he did my brothers farm house with this shit that was crazy expensive and it was all scap from a million + house

shit was like $500+ a foot

awsome whitey nice place


Good find, Iā€™m pretty sure I went through there last monthā€¦ the listing agent is out of my officeā€¦ Markay Pfeiferā€¦ anyways, good luck with the inspection, hope it goes well!

Congrats Whitey, it looks like a really nice place. I truly am jealous. You donā€™t even want to know what a house like that would cost out here. Nice buy!


The home inspection went great. We move in July 25th!

congrats dude house looks like a nice place

sweeeet! i get to throw beer cans on your roof now!

in for throwing beer cans


congrats whitey now you need to get a sweet pool so we can play beer hunter