My official "beware of buying anything from Spec Clutch" thread

I bought from them before on the recommendation of guys over at covettteforum. I’ll be sure to forward your horrible experience to those guys there too. It’s a picky crowd who won’t tolerate even the idea that someone would screw them like that.

I know as soon as my spec dies in the 30th i’m never going back to them. Just based on the customer service. I would hate to have an issue and be told to just F Off because they feel like it. I’ll go with a Monster clutch. I have installed pretty much every brand of clutch in an Fbody/ Corvette and I can tell you I always have the most trouble with Spec because sometimes it requires a shim behind the slave and sometimes it does not. If I am paying a good buck for an aftermarket clutch I would expect some degree of fitment, NOT it may or may not need a shim.

:tup: for posting this. Good to know for a business stand point what brands to avoid.


Spec comes through!.. kinda…

They said that the weight on my flywheel “may sometimes fall off if you miss-shift the car” , of course they are not responsible for this. I can send the clutch in and they will determine if they are at fault (LOL) and we can “go from there”.


Good luck…

Nothing says quality like “well it may fall off”

Back 2004-2006 when the shop I worked at was using spec clutches, had a bunch or problems too. I have to say some people suck and driving so some times its the driver, but this was shitty clutches. I edited this, didn’t fell like typing everything out. Installed 2 twin disc, they both had problems, chnaged them both 2 times, Spec changed the design. One guy sold the car after his 2nd clutch. Other guy got a new replacement and sold it for a different brand and no problems

this was the 3rd. replacement ( yes clutch #3 in 2 years)I think this was a 3+ new at the time. H/C stock LS1 with a 17 summer tire. 2nd clutch (a normal 3) had a rivet and pad get loose and tear stuff up, 1st one slipped when the car had way less power.

^ Yeah no thanks. If I remember correctly the Spec 3 that Mike had in the 944T was also a POS.

lol seriously, sounds engineered well

good thing i just installed spec clutch. awesome.